Hello every one
Just want to say dont really post much at all but am on the site every night looking and getting all the info I need so thank you for that.
Any ways I have just got my self an ex mod 110 1998 300 tdi hard top for not a lot of money (had to say good bye to my 90 that i had for 5 years )the body work is not the best but nothing 2 new wings a bonnet can't sort out but she is clean every were you would want one to be.
The only thing is adrian flux can't find it as a 300 tdi comes up as a td5 could my 110 be one of the last 300s made and is it in the cross over year any light on this would be really helpful as I have made so many phone calls to them
Many thanks
While the TD5 started to used in Defenders in 98/99, the military still specified 300tdi engines as they were easier to repair and also wouldn't be effected by the off chance of IMPs etc

So possibly why a '98 is coming up as a TD5 as the civilian Defenders would have probably been TD5 by then.
My 1990 110 2.5 NA hard top kept coming back as a 110 2.5 TDi 5-door CSW, which was challenged with the DVLA for 3 years.

Eventually, they requested photos of the Landy along with pics of the engine number and makers plate!

They now agree that it is indeed a 3-door, 3 seater 110 2.5 NA Fender hard top, and amended the V5 to reflect that!

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