then when ive had that done, i want spots putting on the roof. any advice where to go:confused:
have a go at the spots yaself,or get someone to give you a hand,it aint that hard,just make sure you use a relay,i used 1 relay for each pair,so 4 spots =2 relays..wired into main beam but on a seperate switch so i can also switch the spots off and have normal main beam,welcome to the site..
ye as for the spots its simple stuff really :D i bought my light bar of ebay as i wanted an alloy one :D i wired mine in to a seprate switch as i didnt want them to come on with full beam though, oh where abouts are you some one may be be able to give you a hand
im only a mere female........but dont give up on me...........where do all the wires go, when the spots are on the roof??????
im only a mere female........but dont give up on me...........where do all the wires go, when the spots are on the roof??????
you can take them in between the window seal then down door pillar ,but got to be carefull,some people drill hole in roof and seal it with rubber gromet,mine i got some flexi pipe sleeving,and ran it down back of the snorle and then took it through the gap i had in my bonnet...i wasnt botherd about it looking major good though,think their might be a section on here,just have a browse,hope this gives you a few ideas and helps...other people on here might be able to point you more in right direction,best regards,nunny
i managed to cable tie all the wires to the rear of the light bar so not visible from the front then some how managed to get them inside via the top door seal up into the head lining then down to the battery boy and none of the wires are visible :D as for the earths i earthed them on the bolts that hold the light bar on ;)
omg, think best thing i can do, is buy what i need first, then see what it entails, but thanks for the info x x x i will be back for more, probably when they dont work lol
Jane-eliza :welcome2:welcome from one newbie to another where abouts are you based iam sure there would be some willing locals to help out they seem friendly enough :D
i dont think there will be any bikini shots, but wen i get chance i will get a pic of my landy, after its been re-mapped
welcome to loony zone, you'll find it a mix of
unbeatable advice / **** taking and humour.

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