
New Member
hi all,
im new here and i just bought ex military defender
i want your opnion on this and any thoughts how to do it
the engine is 3.9 petrol and its good
but the body is like this :mad:









thanx all
Has that been hit by an IED?

I've got a new tail gate seal - but you're going to need more than that!
Someone's glued the steering wheel back on the wrong side!

If this is your new one, what did your old one look like?
Im in kuwait and here its in right side
I have other one but i bought this to workin on it
Now in kuwait defender is very popular and expensive
First of all Elmeesh :welcome2: to the LandyZone!

A big hammer should sort out the most of the dents!

Don't forgrt to put a dolly behind them as you bash them out, otherwise you will just make them worse.

If you don't have either the time nor the inclination, I'll give you a fiver for the doors ... if you can ship 'em over here post free!

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Thanx alot oldseadog :)
I will search for someone to do it here but it will work right?? (i mean the body)
And the petrol tank is broken two of them
I can replace it with fiberglass one??
Looks like a returned kit car cause it deformed! :eek:

What you planing in doing to it ? keeping the army look?

Looks like it needs a little fettling! :D Almost anything can be achieved with a Land Rover regardless of its condition, it just takes a little time and money - or perhaps good foraging in your case. Are there many military Land Rovers sat about in various shapes of disrepair or do they soon get picked up?

No i cant keep the color of the army :(
Im planning first to do the rust and the holes then paint it with smoke silver

Whats your idea??

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