If everything is nice and clean yeh it will stick. I use tiger seal for loads of stuff its awesome! I repair quarry machines out on site and i have done some tests by sticking things to steel in harsh conditions to see how they last. It sticks well.

It will all be clean, and fresh. It won’t have been on the road when I install the electrics.
Do you have a build thread?

No I don’t. I’m in two minds about them. On one hand it’s good to share things like these as people may recognise parts of the worst happens and something is stolen, but on the other hand, would it ever have been stolen if it wasn’t advertised all over the net?
No I don’t. I’m in two minds about them. On one hand it’s good to share things like these as people may recognise parts of the worst happens and something is stolen, but on the other hand, would it ever have been stolen if it wasn’t advertised all over the net?

Don't quite get what you mean a build thread is great to followb are you suggesting that by buying second hand bits and showing them on a thread might make you look dodgey?...or have I picked you up wrong?
No I don’t. I’m in two minds about them. On one hand it’s good to share things like these as people may recognise parts of the worst happens and something is stolen, but on the other hand, would it ever have been stolen if it wasn’t advertised all over the net?
That's why you shouldn't give your location away in the 'Location' part of your profile, on ANY social media you use. Most social media sites and forums, including this one, provide very efficient facilities that allow wrong doers to find out about you.
Don't quite get what you mean a build thread is great to followb are you suggesting that by buying second hand bits and showing them on a thread might make you look dodgey?...or have I picked you up wrong?

No, I mean that by posting what I have done, I am openly advertising to the world what I have done, and roughly how much I have spent on it. That’s why I have tried to keep it quiet and not broadcast it.

The flip side is that if a build thread is posted, and documented on here, and the worst does happen. Then the whole world can see what has been done, and potentially identify stolen parts. It’s a double edged sword, but which is correct?

Without going into too much detail, mine is marked and registered with the ISR and Durham police. It’s also got some unique smart water, along with “home brew” security. These will be topped off with a pedal and steering lock. If it does get stolen, it will be almost impossible to cover up the true ID.
That's why you shouldn't give your location away in the 'Location' part of your profile, on ANY social media you use. Most social media sites and forums, including this one, provide very efficient facilities that allow wrong doers to find out about you.

I will be honest and say that I don’t use social media. I don’t have a FB account, nor any of the other big social sites. I can’t stand them.

I only use forums like these because I can get help with things I can’t work out myself, and in turn, help others with things they can’t work out.
No, I mean that by posting what I have done, I am openly advertising to the world what I have done, and roughly how much I have spent on it. That’s why I have tried to keep it quiet and not broadcast it.

The flip side is that if a build thread is posted, and documented on here, and the worst does happen. Then the whole world can see what has been done, and potentially identify stolen parts. It’s a double edged sword, but which is correct?

Without going into too much detail, mine is marked and registered with the ISR and Durham police. It’s also got some unique smart water, along with “home brew” security. These will be topped off with a pedal and steering lock. If it does get stolen, it will be almost impossible to cover up the true ID.

How can pics on a build thread lead to your vehicle being a magnet for stealing..do you not drive it anywhere at all?...I sympathise with what happens in the UK we just don't have any vehicles stolen here in Portugal you can't buy anything without a photocopy of your fiscal number or passport from both parties if it's used.
How can pics on a build thread lead to your vehicle being a magnet for stealing..do you not drive it anywhere at all?...I sympathise with what happens in the UK we just don't have any vehicles stolen here in Portugal you can't buy anything without a photocopy of your fiscal number or passport from both parties if it's used.
The pics show the parts you put on it that can then be taken off it and sold after the vehicle has been stolen. Handy to steal a vehicle that you already know has a galv chassis, new doors, refurbed gear box, refurbed axles etc. That's a lot more efficient than wasting your time and taking the risk to steal something that turns out to be a heap of knackered parts.
The pics show the parts you put on it that can then be taken off it and sold after the vehicle has been stolen. Handy to steal a vehicle that you already know has a galv chassis, new doors, refurbed gear box, refurbed axles etc. That's a lot more efficient than wasting your time and taking the risk to steal something that turns out to be a heap of knackered parts.

A quick look underneath in Tesco carpark or the like would show all that you mention and then follow you home would be the criminals choice I would have thought...I doubt they waste their time on farmers knacks..
A quick look underneath in Tesco carpark or the like would show all that you mention and then follow you home would be the criminals choice I would have thought...I doubt they waste their time on farmers knacks..

All sorts of machinery/fuels get stolen from farms, they are a HUGE magnet for thieves because they are rarely manned 24/7.

As for taking a look under a vehicle and knowing everything about what is fitted, that’s a bit of an overstatement. Isn’t it? How can anyone possibly tell the state of the inside of an axle, or gearbox, just by looking at the outside of it? 20minutes with a grinder and jet wash, followed by a few hours painting will make anything look like new.
A quick look underneath in Tesco carpark or the like would show all that you mention and then follow you home would be the criminals choice I would have thought...I doubt they waste their time on farmers knacks..
There's more than one type of thief. The opportunist, the thick/reckless who will publicly look under a vehicle in Tesco's, specialists in different marques, and those who monitor forums. Dramatically reduces the chance of being seen if you are scouting out cars from the comfort of your own home.
All sorts of machinery/fuels get stolen from farms, they are a HUGE magnet for thieves because they are rarely manned 24/7.

As for taking a look under a vehicle and knowing everything about what is fitted, that’s a bit of an overstatement. Isn’t it? How can anyone possibly tell the state of the inside of an axle, or gearbox, just by looking at the outside of it? 20minutes with a grinder and jet wash, followed by a few hours painting will make anything look like new.

That's not the point my thought was where criminals go looking for suitable vehicles to Nick and build threads where this started is probably at a the very most bottom of the list unless it's an inside job...that's all I was meaning..
That's not the point my thought was where criminals go looking for suitable vehicles to Nick and build threads where this started is probably at a the very most bottom of the list unless it's an inside job...that's all I was meaning..
I think you are underestimating the modern criminal. LINKY
If you are snooping around a forum such as this one and see something you like the look of, you can filter out the users threads or posts to make it easier to pick out any details they have given away about themselves. This can provide information to help them track you down. If you've helped them by giving a reasonably accurate location in your profile, or been daft enough to use your actual name (or part of it) as your username then you are making their job laughably easy.
That's not the point my thought was where criminals go looking for suitable vehicles to Nick and build threads where this started is probably at a the very most bottom of the list unless it's an inside job...that's all I was meaning..
For example. What if someone specialised in nicking Land Rovers and they were asked if they could get their hands on a 101. Preferably a 1975 model ....
@A1203 your link does not really compare to vehicles build threads on social media.
I'll put the kettle on if you want to track my 101 down and you can tell me how you plan to get it out of Portugal..lol

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