Get the welder out on that chassis. For three reasons:-

You can never get enough practice with the welder.

It will maintain the originality of the vehicle and ensure you don't have issues with the registration number and the authorities, unlikely I know but it is a consideration.

If you have access to a good chassis it means another Landy with a really knackered chassis can be saved.

Good luck either way :)
Get the welder out on that chassis. For three reasons:-

You can never get enough practice with the welder.

It will maintain the originality of the vehicle and ensure you don't have issues with the registration number and the authorities, unlikely I know but it is a consideration.

If you have access to a good chassis it means another Landy with a really knackered chassis can be saved.

Good luck either way :)
cheers but it looks good in the pictures, it is a wee nackard up close fella
done quiet abit today
grinded the new chassis ready for paint.





and we had a new arrival today, a rare 109 truck cab ex mod,we just bought .
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done a little bit to my series 3 today, i cut the rot out of the new chassis ready to get some plate tomorrow, and cleaned all the wax oil off the chassis! ready to weld now and then painted.
aint done alot to my landrover recently, been busy with school work, but ive managed to weld all my new chassis up and put 4 outrigers on it and also did abit of ainting !!!
:p :)










thats the way to do it mate back it up with red oxide straight after to make sure the rust cant get back in

nice welding too keep them pics coming :D:D:D

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