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Just got a letter through the post this morning to tell me that my land rover has been impounded by the police in Sheffield which came as quite a shock as its in my garage being rebuilt!!!!!!

Haven't got through on the phone to the compound in Sheffield but i will be going to see the police later today.

I think it has been ringed, i say this because i bought it of eBay from a local buyer who i know is honest as i had a hpi check done on it before i bought it but someone asked a question on eBay how it was described on the registration document as he had had trouble insuring a similar vehicle.

Also on the pictures on eBay you could see the registration!!!!!!!!

Will keep you informed on what is happening
Sounds more like its been cloned mate, never show your full reg on any pictures on the WWW!

Ive also had a bit of bother with the local plod checking all numbers etc
Why dont you go down there with your reg docs pay the impound fee and hey presto one free land rover
aye but its a feckin long way from barnstable to sheffield and back, then yer gotta find out how much the imopound charges are
it's probly bin impounded cos the rozzers know it's bin cloned, so they wunt let yer ave it anyway.
Why dont you go down there with your reg docs pay the impound fee and hey presto one free land rover

what the letter didn't say was why it has been impounded, could have been involved in a accident and if i turn up they might arrest me

I did speak to my local police and they told me to ring up the impound and they have to prove its not my vehicle, plus i also believe in what goes around comes around and just think if it had been your landy that had been stolen, i know if it had been mine i would have been gutted.

the story continues............
The best thing to do is to contact the dvla about this matter, as you are the RO on both of these vehicles and this is were the police get there info. Once the dvla have clarifeid that the one in the pound is not yours the police will leave you alone. You can get info from dlva or direct gov.
The best way to get it checked is to have the VIN or Chassis numbers checked against the registration number, your VIN should be printed on your log book,check it against your cars VIN which should be either on the passenger side of dashboard and visible through the windscren or may well be under the carpet down the side of the drivers seat next to the door opening. Once you are confident that your car is correct call the pound and ask them to check the VIN on the one they have in the pound, to be honest the police officers involved in impounding the vehicle should really have checked this already.
If your car doesnt exactly match the logbook.............start worrying as you may have bought a stolen car!!!
Good luck with getting it sorted!
had this myself where sum plumb clone my car in the same city, had 3 hit and runs and failed to stop on a number of occasions, i could bring my car onto the rd without being arrested, searched, car stripped and conviscated at one point. a good solicitor got it sorted in the end and fortunatly enough being the bad lad i am got a few names and paid a visit to the lads who cloned it and delt with them before the police where informed of the people and the other vehicle, only turn out to be from an estate where i used to live and it was in the next close from where i lived, i doubt they will do that in a hurry as i they got away with it like most the other scumbags that do **** like this. also had one of my bm's cloned and appeard up in manchester.:mad:

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