Number of folk's have offered advise/opinions on your troubles that you have either ignored or objected to, so best thing you can do is run along and sort it yourself..:rolleyes::frusty:

Telling me what I should have done before I got a land rover or advice on what I should just except as normal for a land roved is no good to me

I now know what I need to do and believe you me it will be sorted by law or by be sorting it myself ASAP
Telling me what I should have done before I got a land rover or advice on what I should just except as normal for a land roved is no good to me

I now know what I need to do and believe you me it will be sorted by law or by be sorting it myself ASAP

Good luck then - let us know what happens. Hope you get it sorted.
Good job it's going back to nene ****lander then ! They can resell it to there next victim - that's if trading standards has not got to them first
shud of asked me I could have told ya NENE are rip off bastids that sell overpriced ****e..
Anyone with half a brain can tell they are, just look at the specs on their site along with pics!

Same with Simmonites……..they're very overpriced on a lot of things too
You paid 18.5k for an 03 plate, man that place must have some really big windows in it, cos they saw you comin' from miles away................
long sotry but Nene will not give me my cash but but I am pucking for the 110 to be fixed my a 3rd party and the bill go to Nene

Sometimes Forums arn't always the best way to obtain info, many superb members will offer quality advice if they can but there are the normal smart-arse replies that occur on any Forum be it Land Rovers/motorbikes/caravans etc.
I've not read all the replies but I'd go to see a solicitor with the initial list of problems that you reported to the Land Rover stealer and also get one or two independent quotes for the repairs. Then the solicitor can write to the dealer fully armed with the cost of the repairs etc....then matters can proceed from there on. Not sure you'd have any result re corrosion on a '03 Land Rover but if you want to go further, then you WILL need a solicitor as quite clearly you won't get any thing from the dealer.

Good luck, I genuinely think your in for a long battle and the only good thing is that people reading this know what dealer NOT to use in the future .

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