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After some help and advice about my 7 month old defender from a well-known dealer

The Full story

I have a Brand new Ford Ranger that I have had for 3 years but always liked the idea of having a 110 Defender for work & play so I sold my Ranger and asked about to find a dealer that might be good to get a 110 from. I was told by 1 or 2 people that the one I got my 110 from where a good firm and they made nice 110's

So I contacted them and found the one that I liked and went to see it after finding 1 or 2 faults - Locks & spot lights not working they told me it would all be sorted by the time I picked it up I checked all under the 110 and it looked like new !

On the day of the pick up the spots needed to have a new bulb but nothing more

After 1 or 2 weeks the full story of the number of faults on my 110 came to light

The list

- Leaking windows & Doors (pools of water every time it rains in the footwells)

- Spotlight blown

-Door panel fell off

- Central locking stopped working in some doors

- Speakers stopped working

- Light blown

- Transfer making a very loud screeching noise ever time the 110 was moved in a low gear

- Oil leek

I contacted the dealer and they told me that I could get a local firm to do the work and they would pay - i did take it to one they did some small jobs but told me it would be best to go back to the dealer

so after some shocking customer service from the dealer - un returned phone calls, arranging pick up of my 110 and then not showing up twice and generally not really giving a dam if I got it sorted or not. They took it back with my long list

The gave it to me back a week later - No info supplied about what they have done, No phone call, no letter other than the drop off driver saying lucky we had it is the hand brake just snapped !

It all looked ok for about a month and then it all started once more but this time much more

After 6 months and my 3 months warrantee has run out I contacted them with the following list of faults they told me to pay up for them all to be sorted or they cannot help me

The list

- Spot lights stay on all the time making battery dead

- Wipers stopped working blown motor

- Door panel still falling off

- Both Speakers not working

- Spot light now dead and blown

- Pools of water still in both foot wells with leaking windows and doors

- Central locking still not working

- Front passenger door will not shut properly

- All of the Steel work the dealer added to the 110 is covered in deep rust and had been very poorly covered in back paint
- Hazard lights not working
- When going round sharp corners it makes a “Whoop Whoop Whoop” sounds

I am in the proses of asking the dealer for my cash back to return the 110 and if I am not happy with the offer I will be taking the matter to court

My main two questions are

1) Is this amount of faults normal with a 03 plate 110 Defender?

2) Will I have the same life full of issues if I replace my 110 with a better one?

3) Can you advise me on a good dealer to get a new one from that will give dam about how happy I am with my 110 (Peaks Area)
Not sure what to say here, 03 is now a 10year old motor, so some stuff is to be expected.
any faults you brought up within your warrenty, but have not yet been sorted do not expire with the warrenty, and should still be recified by the dealer.

so, in essence the first list should be sorted be the original dealer.

Fender leak, end of, you might get some fixed, but its and endless cycle, you should have come across this before buying, presuming you did some research.

wiper motor, bit premature, but hard luck, make sure the spring is moving back/forth smoothly, they seem to tend to get water in and seize/partially seize causing the motor to go.
Spots, bad relay.
door wants the catch adjusting.
rust, did you look properly??

and have a look on the bought a crock o **** thread for some more help.
Here's his first post: Never get anything from nene!!!!!!!

Sound's like a right moaner to me.

He's going to even more pi**ed off when he finds out his chassis & bulkhead are rotten on 10 year old motor. lol
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Here's his first post: Never get anything from nene!!!!!!!

Sound's like a right moaner to me.

He's going to even more pi**ed off when he finds out his chassis & bulkhead are rotten on 10 year old motor. lol
What nene selling fked motors at a high price, Ill have none of it;)
I would moan like #### and give it back to the dealer as not fit for purpose and see him in court if not fixed !! See the council about TRADE description Act the may show some interest if say the brakes are at fault ect .
A lot of the things you have listed sound like what I have learned are commonly referred to as things that 'add character'!

Mine leaks from rain and it leaks oil constantly. I gave up on trying to stop both so bought an expensive waterproof coat with all the money I saved from not buying seals for the defender!

Rust is common too, mine is a 20 year old 110CSW and the bulkhead is on its way out as is one of my B posts.

Enjoy it!
Got my 90 from Nene, quite happy.
But then again I am a dumb ass.

Mine leaks when it rains but never a drop of oil, and it does have some in her!
Lots of rust and corrosion, I payed extra for that.

Best, funnest, coolest vehicle that I have ever owned and I have had a few.
Got my 90 from Nene, quite happy.
But then again I am a dumb ass.

Mine leaks when it rains but never a drop of oil, and it does have some in her!
Lots of rust and corrosion, I payed extra for that.

Best, funnest, coolest vehicle that I have ever owned and I have had a few.

You live somewhere nice where the rain is hot……your opinion is invalid!
nene, the owner has only just finished comunity service for selling known clocked motors again, need i say more about the place??
when going round a corner makes a 'whoop whoop whoop' sound? my kids used to make that noise with just a mention of going off road, never mind round corners!!
If your buying a land rover thats 10 years old be prepared to get your hands dirty. doesn't matter who you buy it from because at the end of the day things wear out and give up. i'd say you have a very short list of rather easy fix things. you should see my list ;)
If they sold it as a fighting fit vehicle you still have some solid ground. Not fit for purpose.

I'd expect some things to be wonky, but as you have many things it sounds like a wee bit duff.
Just out of interest you haven't mentioned how much you paid for it, that might give us an idea as to it's value for money/condition
Don't know what you payed as you haven't said but I'll bet you could have bought a newer, better, standard vehicle than a f**ked, tricked up show pony..Get you're money back mate if possible cause it wont be easy to sell...
From bright black Matt paint to loads of rust in 6 months

Fults from the start still not been fixed by a dealer

18.5k for a car that will no unlock to drive my kids to school


something along the lines of - each one we sell are hand picked and by Andrew (the owner) then checked and fixed to a very hight standard

If this is true then why have I had over 30 fults in 7 months and who has it gone from black to rust

They turned my rover round as cheap and as fast as they could to make as much as they can in profit

I now face £1000's of pounds to even get a small about of cash back for this truck in 3 year when my very small family firm will need to sell it on

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