
New Member
I thought I'd share this one, given how frequent a fail this is now the MK1 is getting on.

So...the sunroof didn't work. No surprise there and tbh I didn't really expect it to. But it's getting nice weather and the fact it was the only thing no longer working was starting to bug me. Now I don't for one instant make any claim that this will work for everyone (or indeed anyone!) but since it worked for me....

Step 1) See sunroof doesn't work and moan and bitch about it. It was dead. Totally. No electric noises. Nothing.
Step 2) Get frustrated enough to start thinking about doing something about it
Step 3) Check fuse (damn it was fine...)
Step 4) Check switch. (it also looked fine but decide it's a bit manky looking on the outside and buy a replacement to make the interior look nice)
Step 5) Press new switch and hear the motor groan (which was something!) but not get any movement.
Step 6) WD40 around the exterior of the window out of desperation as there is no way I'm taking the whole thing apart
Step 7) Repeat step 6 out of desperation everytime I wash the car
Step 8) Press switch one day to suddenly tilts!
Step 9) Do a happy dance
Step 10) Stop happy dance when it refuses to close again; remove light fitting and manually close it
Step 11) WD40 again and promise God I'll be -really- really good..
Step 12) Dance as sunroof part opens and closes! By itself!
Step 13) Repeat step 11. A lot!
Step 14) Make an OMG face as sunroof fully opens
Step 15) Grease. Everything!
Step 16) Have a working sunroof

Alright so more by luck than judgement I know. But bloody hell. I have a working sunroof! Took around two months of random greasing and lubricating but..crikey.

My guess is the switch failed at some point and the absence of being used has meant the inners didn't suffer the usual stress and were just laying there waiting to be used.
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Lucky you. Mine makes grindy gear noises when I press the switch so I know at least one thing that is wrong with it.
I have been thinking about ordering a parts kit for 2 1/2 years and one day I will actually get around to it-Maybe.

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