Sort of gets in the way of play time that does! Not drove mine for over 3 months now due to a bust up leg still on crutches no play time for me neither !!!:)
Got the specialist wednesday might be able to start trying to walk on it then its more physio to get it moving as can't straighten it and can only bend it a bit. It looks like a straw with a double knot in the middle of it! Thinking of entering the world knobbly knee contest think I've a chance!!!:)
Got the specialist wednesday might be able to start trying to walk on it then its more physio to get it moving as can't straighten it and can only bend it a bit. It looks like a straw with a double knot in the middle of it! Thinking of entering the world knobbly knee contest think I've a chance!!!:)
I had two weeks last year , away from mine due to my back , that was bad enough :eek: hope you are back on the road soon :)
Cheers shouldn't be to long now with a bit of luck:) that's a nice light setup on jc600 truck could do with that setup around the lanes by me !!
Yeah me to damn road tax what a rip off ! Drove it for the first time in 3 months had a go down some green lanes by me just to see how the knee held up on the clutch its a bit painfull but was worth every min of it :)
Custom spot light covers. :)

Had to fill the centres in, as there was a dip and a nipple in the centre.

Sanded down


Black gloss ennamel

And graphics applied

Also removed lights from grill, and removed tatty sticker from the windscreen. :)

What do you think? :)

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