Nice work. Properly done wiring is a big benefit in years to follow.
Thanks Retro. I've been strangely looking forward to the wiring ever since I started this project over two years ago. I really must get back to the welding and painting but It's much more satisfying buying new things and putting them together than cutting, bashing and bodging manky old tat. Up front I'm going to run heavier wiring for the headlights, and fit a relay system. I'm also running earths to all four corners to overcome the issues that arise from lack of them. I only realised today upon inspection of my old loom that there is no earth at all running front to back and that It's all done through the body. My calculations suggest Land Rover saved about £2.50 by not doing this
Just read this thread through from start to finish... Excellent!! It's going to be fantastic when it's all back together.. thanks for taking the time to share your work.
Just read this thread through from start to finish... Excellent!! It's going to be fantastic when it's all back together.. thanks for taking the time to share your work.
Thanks MsFire!
I'm hoping so and I enjoy writing about it too.
I was really getting into the wiring but;

A) I don't want to start the dash/main section until the doors are back on and the car is kind of sealed
B) it costs money which I've just run out of for a short while. Easter holiday cost a bit more than anticipated, and so does wiring.

I already have primer and paint though so...... Back to the bloody doors it is then. Primed these two yesterday afternoon and wet-flatted today. A few areas need a bit more work on the one in the background but the front door is now ready for paint.
I still have the fourth door to repair and reckon I'll get onto that at the weekend, after which I'll finally make a two piece rear door (a la Range Rover) then I can banish the welder to the back of the garage where I'll stop tripping over it.


On a side note - that knock off workmate I'm using was £10 the other week from maplins. An absolute bargain!
Looking at these manky aluminium dividers from the second row doors, didn't really want to put them back as they were (left) so started rubbing them down (right)


To this:

Etch primed:

That was all done last night, I've just painted them and will put some piccies up soon - once they're dry enough to bring out of the garage. It's been a bit windy here in sunny Derbyshire the last few days so not as much painting being done as I would like. I have started on the last door though but we've all seen enough photos of rusty doors so I'll not bore us all even more with that until it's finished.
And here they are, a bit darker and shinier than I'd have liked but just using up old paint so mustn't grumble.

And here at last are the fruits of my labour. Well, two of them anyway. Just need to fill them with something now, thinking dinitrol?

I just can't seem to prioritise my workload or finish one job before starting another, which has led to me painting two wheels this morning that I primed about 2 months ago, and won't need for ages. Still - they look nice and it's cheered me up and spurred me on. I've been working away all week and start again tomorrow which is my first Sunday working in a very long time. I might paint the other three wheels tonight just to get that job out of the way, or I'll continue welding. Here's a sneak peek at a wheel.

Really must learn some self-discipline. Got home from work today, had a puncture to tend to on something else so while I had the kit set up and air in the tank, I decided to see how easy one of the tyres might slip on. Pretty easy it seems, so easy I did two. In my defence, those rims are protected from getting damaged now, and they're taking up less room because they're hidden inside two tyres;)

As you can see - chavvy white lettering is hidden away on the inside.

Just read this all the way through. You are doing a great job. I am also going to have to replace the wiring on mine as the loom is in a terrible state. Where have you been getting your wiring from?

As you can see - chavvy white lettering is hidden away on the inside.

Ha ha. Mine will be a chav Landy then :)
mine too ,,,lol

As you can see - chavvy white lettering is hidden away on the inside

Ha ha. Mine will be a chav Landy then :)[/QUOTE]
Just read this all the way through. You are doing a great job. I am also going to have to replace the wiring on mine as the loom is in a terrible state. Where have you been getting your wiring from?

Ha ha. Mine will be a chav Landy then :)
Thank you very much. It's taken a lot longer Than I thought it would but then again - most projects do. I've been getting the majority of the cable and terminals, tube etc from Vehicle wiring products in Ilkeston which is handy as that's where I live. Still undecided about fuse box at the minute. Their modular system looks good but it soon adds up. I've been saving my £2 coins for nearly 2 years to treat myself to LED lights all round and I'm just about there but now thinking a decent fuse box would make a much better investment.

Each to their own I say, I liked the white on my disco but don't think it would suit this. Just had a quick google and I'd guess about 70/30 love/hate for the white letters:)
Thanks for that, it is a site I had found previously but wondered if you had found anywhere better / cheaper.

It would be a shame to replace all the wiring then still use the crappy original fuse box. It might cause you issues in the future. Some of their stuff is pretty cheap. The 12 way blade fuse box is only £31. The waterproof 10 way fuse box is only £19.66. I like that it has LED's which illuminate when a fuse is blown.
I'm just wondering out loud here and my thoughts might be complete pants, but are those tyres directional? :confused:

Eyup Al!

It's good of you to point that out, but I've already checked and we're all ok. There's no direction and no inside/outside. Life has given us a choice with these:D

How are you and your 90 anyway?
Yes, I agree. I fully intend to replace it I just wasn't expecting it to mount up to so much, I had also considered taking something from another car but it's difficult finding something that a) fits, b) is available and can get terminals for and c) Isn't already past it.

Regarding prices, they're not the only ones in the business but where they are cheaper on one thing than somebody else, they're more on something else so swings and roundabouts I think. For me, they're five minutes away and nice people so win-win.
Eyup Al!

It's good of you to point that out, but I've already checked and we're all ok. There's no direction and no inside/outside. Life has given us a choice with these:D

How are you and your 90 anyway?
That thought just crossed my mind while I was admiring your painted wheels. Please the tyres work either way

Not sure where you are at with my 90 saga. after the body rebuild it ran for about 7 months and the engine packed in. :( Started an engine rebuild thread HERE. It's coming along, with the usual trials and tribulations, but it's getting there. :)
Do they have an actual shop where you can view their products? Just thinking that it might be worth a drive down when the time comes to do mine.
Not a shop as such, just a small unit in an industrial estate with a trade counter. I've never asked to go behind the scenes but I did ask to study something (new soldering iron) the other week and they were fine with it. Just brought one out and opened it up no probs.
That thought just crossed my mind while I was admiring your painted wheels. Please the tyres work either way

Not sure where you are at with my 90 saga. after the body rebuild it ran for about 7 months and the engine packed in. :( Started an engine rebuild thread HERE. It's coming along, with the usual trials and tribulations, but it's getting there. :)
I've not been on landyzone for a while so the last I read it was all finished and making you smile. I'll read through later if I get chance. Is it 300tdi?

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