Truck paint! Got given a tin over a year ago when I did the axles so just got another batch mixed for the chassis...
Right, back to it :)

Unburied it from the corner of the workshop:


And lifted the rear of the chassis from the axle:


And began fitting the new suspension. I wanted full OME kit as ive heard nothing but good things. I have a mate that has it on his 90 and loves it, but he uses it for a lot of on-road as well as off road. Mine will be primarily off road and after being in another friends 90 with the Terrafirma stuff on, i knew it wasnt really worth spending that much more on it. After a lot of shopping around, the stuff ive bought worked out at 33% of the OME thanks to RST Land Rovers of Mersea! So what did i get?
4 Terrafirma Extreme long travel shocks with extended mounts, 2 Terrafirma rear springs, and 2 Bearmach front springs. I also ordered some Gwyn Lewis front extended shock turrets with dislocation cones, and some HD turret rings. Unfortunately theses bits didnt arrive till late today so ill fit that tomorrow or friday:



And the front springs just propping up the front till the rest is bolted in:



Whilst waiting for the Gwyn Lewis stuff to arrive, i was chatting to my neighbour who owns a body shop. He does a lot of work on Vespa's, so i asked him where he got the frames blasted. Upon finding out where, i popped down with the bulkhead. He quoted me £40 so i asked if i could leave it with him. I got back to the workshop, had another cuppa and then got a call to say it was all done! Litterally an hour! So went straight back and got it. Well chuffed:




So tomorrow ill painting it :)
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Dan have a look at your first post.

How loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg ago was that.
Today then. First off i came across this, and good ridens i say lol:


Got sent this pic. I think someone should do it:


Hung up the bulkhead:


And got primering:


Then the missing bits turned up:


And got it all on its suspension :) A momentous occasion on this build and something ive been waiting a long time for :)




Tomorrow is another coat on the bulkhead and rear crossmember, and hopefully get the steering sorted.
1) What the fook are those things on the bonnet of the BritPart Frankenstein?

2) I admire how much you get done in one day, and best of luck. Have a feeling the end result will look and drive ace.

3) Orange is the way forward.

4) Thanks for sharing. It's very interesting to see the various stages.
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Bit of a waste of a day today. Waited around for the paint delivery to carry on with the bulkhead but it never arrived :(
So with the morning wasted i started sorting out the nuts and bolts id bagged to see what i had, as well is digging out a load of bits:


Mike turned up and help me remove the old drop arm off the steering box:


And got it all fitted up:



And he also made me realise my schoolboy error! Id mounted the X-Eng arms upside down. the axle ends are offset and id put them the wrong way up. So we rotated them and adjusted the length to make the diff point the right way. So all in all about two hours work all day :(
Towing my Land Rover home:



And home in the garage for evening tinkering:

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Hi. I noticed u took the 300 tdi out of disco etc. did u take the engine out completed with gearbox and tranny in one piece ? Using one ton crane ?
Didn't realise you had a thread on here Drizz! I'll have a good read when I get home (tis I Jim from mk3oc) :)
Grand. I didn't realise u could remove engine and gearbox and tranny in one go. Chain around engine and that is it eh ? That will be easier for me. Did u put chain around gearbox too for support or not ?

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