
New Member
:eek: hi all

i have finally managed to get on top of my finances and have saved up just enough to by myself a landy....

since i was 13 and went on a camping trip with the scouts, i have wanted a landy
we turned up at a farmyard and hitched a lift in a 110 to the farmers house, i sat next to the border collie in the back as we bumped and crashed across this field and down a dirt track without missing a beat
i thought to myself "when i grow up i'll have one of these...

ever since i always wanted one and couldnt tell you why????
but never had the dosh lol
now they are cheaper i can stump up the cash for one:D ...

i know that its a disco that i want however im not the son of a sultan , thus it would need to be around £2000 ish
and resonable to run fuel wise

i do a lot of mixed driving eg motorway, dualcarriage way and a bit of round town

i dont do 100s of miles, just i live next to the motorway and use it everyday to get to town.

i was wondering if i could get some tips on the best type of disco to get

i would like one that doesnt need beckhams pay packet to keep on the road, but i dont mind little odds and sods going wrong
i also was wondering what engine would be best for mpg???
and is there a lot of difference between auto and manual boxes both in driving and mpg????

thanks in advance


(soon to owner of a brand new 15+ year old landy
Ive got a 3.5 V8 which sounds the dogs when you rev it:cool:. However fuel consumption is about on par with a Nasa space shuttle on take off :eek: so id go for a diesel 200 tdi which should return you 26-28mpg on a nice run. If you go for an auto it will drop your mpg a little so stick to a manual.
or a 300TDi - they're more common that 200's but usually a bit more money.
check for chassis and rear floor rot, excessive smoke etc - if you don't know what to look for, take someone along who does.
Go for a 94 onwards 300Tdi. You should be able to get one for 2K. There was a P reg one in the nlocal rag this week with 80K on the clock for only £2500
I've got a 200tdi and it's great but if I were buying now, I'd go for a 300tdi.

Whatever you do, don't get an Mpi (a 2.0 litre petrol engine I think) - by all accounts they suck.
thanks all for the advice

im pretty gutted as it goes
i saw on autotrader a 200tdi on a h plate for £1000 part ex to clear
it looked nice tidy and reasonably priced i travelled 30 miles to see it spent
an hour in traffic travelling there
finally got to the place, saw it sitting there, lovely looking dark blue 5 doors
full service history, new transfer box and gear box and the rear floor sorted out by landrover. i went into the showroom to ask for a testdrive, look round it etc this bloke comes out as i go in shaking the salesmans hand etc,
i hear the engine start and drives off in my landy boo hoo boo hoo

he walked in 15 mins before me and bought it cash

well miffed

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