
New Member
To celebrate the recent purchase of my first PROPER 4x4 it was decided by the TEAM TICTAC members (a couple of mates who are well ................ a bit nuts really!) that a days greenlaning was required as a very basic introduction to offroading for a newbie who was to be honest as green as the lanes being driven on :rolleyes: ............ by the way thats me people :p
Barry, Matt, myself and families met up at the old Hayle electric works car park on the cliffs at 10.30 ....... ish

It then fell to Barry to lead the way and Jules to do the map reading from their V8 Disco :D
Now bearing in mind that family were along for the ride and that i was not particularly experienced with driving off the tarmac Barry decided some nice simple lanes around the Hayle area would be a good start and that after this we should head over towards the Hallamanning and Penzance area's where some slightly more challenging routes lay (for a novice anyways) :p


Heres where the fun really started ........... you see Barry and Jules did a fantastic job of leading the way but it seemed that the map wasn't strictly telling the truth on one chosen route ........... the look on the old geezers face as three rumbling disco's decended his driveway was a picture not to missed ........ however due to the fact that my camera was in the boot it will be a picture that only those present on the day will be able to chuckle over for years to come :rolleyes:
After ruining the peace and tranquility of a Sunday morning for the above mentioned unfortunate elderly gentleman it was decided to leave the area and head over to Botallack and let the kids run and get some grub down our necks ........ but on the way and going down a very steep hill those words that no parent ever wants to hear came from the back seat ...... "Daddy ........ i feel sick!" :eek:
An emergency was narrowly averted by good brakes and military precision in the extraction of a very green faced child .......... who then didnt even have the decency to purge his breakfast but instead chose to stand at the side of the road looking forlorn for a few minutes ........... KIDS!!!!
After getting to Botallack's old mine workings tea coffee and sarnies turned out to be the chefs special of the day and the kids were left to run riot for an hour or so while all parents enjoyed a little respite from the "our we there yet's" and back seat bickering.


At this point Barry decided that he wanted to go potholing in a cave found nearby ....... Matt chickened out muttering something about a film called THE DESCENT .......... WIMP!! lol ........ so myself and Barry decided that for the good of mankind womankind and any other kind of kind that might be even remotely interested to investigate the "cave" :eek:
Cue spooky music and 2 dumbass's armed with head torches (guess who got the one with duff battery!!) .............:rolleyes:
Well as it turns out the cave was something of an anticlimax as no flesh eating freaks of evolution were to be found :( ........ however the cave itself made for another interesting adventure ..... especially the strange algae/lichon that glowed flourescent yellow/green in the torch light ....... weird!!
After returning from our underground expedition (yes i'm milking it a bit but thats life) Matt and Barry decided to try to fool us all into thinking they knew how to read a map ..............

Oh how we laughed

To end the day we decided that some pictures on the beach at Marazion would finish things off nicely.........


I think one of the others has some more pics of the day so i'll try to get hold of them and add them to this thread at a later date ;)
Thanks for a great day out guys n gals ....... look forward to the next one :D
Well then when does the next chapter come along as that was interesting only one problem be very careful where you go as some lanes are not so kind & by the looks of your vehicles scratches & dents might upset you a bit so i wont tell you to go & try out the site at BALDHU nr TRURO, great fun but not for the feint hearted or person with a clean vehicle (take a look at YOU TUBE type in BALDHU sit back & prepare for a laugh) this is what big kids get up to as well as the occasional green lanesssssssssssss BEST OF LUCK
P. S. dont forget the gag for back seat or passenger drivers who have been there & got the t shirt & the bucket for the throwing up session OH and take some ropes in case you GET STUCK!
Looks Like Your Buddy With The Red Disco Is Getting A Bit Fed Up With Tame Stuff As He Is On The Road To More Serious Stuff With The Steering Guard In Place Watch This Space The Mud Comes Next !
Ah like the wee sticker, top right on yer windscreen;) :D

Was on her when i picked her up :p

Cornish born n bred me but the Mrs and myself both love holidaying in the Stirling area whenever we get the chance ;)

The guy that owned the Disco before was a typical Scot and when i was counting out the cash to pay him he told me "dont bother counting it .......... put it in my hand and i can weigh it!" :rolleyes:
Well then when does the next chapter come along as that was interesting only one problem be very careful where you go as some lanes are not so kind & by the looks of your vehicles scratches & dents might upset you a bit so i wont tell you to go & try out the site at BALDHU nr TRURO, great fun but not for the feint hearted or person with a clean vehicle (take a look at YOU TUBE type in BALDHU sit back & prepare for a laugh) this is what big kids get up to as well as the occasional green lanesssssssssssss BEST OF LUCK
P. S. dont forget the gag for back seat or passenger drivers who have been there & got the t shirt & the bucket for the throwing up session OH and take some ropes in case you GET STUCK!

Yup Matt with the red Disco getting more serious with his offroading now and has bought a Range Rover so that he can keep the Disco a bit cleaner ...... he took off the 2" lift kit the day before our little adventure ;)

As for me damaging my Disco ............ obviously nobody wants to wreck thier family car but if it gets a few battle scars now n then i think thats ok ........ after all they will have been earned with pride :D

Mod's coming for mine are as follows .........

Steering dan bars (arrived yesterday)
2x Diff guards (on their way)
Polybush kit (on it's way as we speak)
Steering guard (future purchase)
2" heavy duty lift kit (future purchase)
Rock/tree sliders (will make me own)
Heavy duty winch bumper (will probably make my own)
12.000lb winch
16" modulars with Bfgoodrich mud terrians or similar ;)
Expedition rack
Tank guard (possibly homemade) :cool:

Think thats it for now :p

Look forward to doing some lanes with you in the not too distant future mate :cool:
Hello Captain!
Are you the same Chaos from the old X-Power MG forums?

Looks like you had a good day out, I must arrange to do something similar as I've only had the odd trip down the local lanes so far..........
Hello Mate
i sent you a message about a fortnight ago just thought i would bring to your attention the facts about green lanes, The main fact is that we could be losing them, if you have a chance take a look at May edition of LAND ROVER monthly page 191 then chat to all your mates cause i recon we all got to get together & fight the battle as one big army:confused:
Never owned an MG so it wouldn't have been me on the Xpower forums :confused:

I will definately be doing another trip soon :D and look forward to meeting some new faces maybe :D

I havent checked PM's yet due to being so busy getting the Disco ready for M.O.T .... just about to order another £160 of panels :eek:

I will be in touch with you all as and when i am ready for another trip ;)
looks like you had a hell of time! We're newbies too, but learning all the time. If we're ever in your neck of the woods we'll shout if that's ok

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