
New Member
Hi there to all, just noticed this forum so wanted to share that I can vouch that dreams definitely do come true as I'm finally (after three decades of dreaming) the 'more than happy' owner of a Land Rover 1996 Discovery 2.5 TDI
Yep I’ve heard the two main rules when becoming an ‘LR’ owner - if it isn’t broken it soon will be and when it does there’s always someone on this site that knows how to fix it :eek: Hey better to be thrown in at the deep end than to never learn to swim at all! ;)

Now I'm getting to grips with my Landy I'm wanting to know more about what goes on underneath the surface so now have 2.5 tonne car ramps and crawler board at the ready and an open offer of tools to be lent to me if and when they‘re needed (I think ‘when‘ being the operative word). Anyway as you can tell I’m completely new to all of this but I have huge amounts of enthusiasm and insanity in equal measures and thought it would be great to hook up with like-minded Landy fans in the Leicester area (UK), so if you know of anyone I’d love to hear from you :)

Just one more thing while I’m in the flow - I'd like to get a new customized spare wheel cover for my Disco to advertize my website etc, does anyone know of any top notch places with affordable prices where I can get this done? Plenty on the web but I'd rather go with a company that has been recommended etc :cool:

Cheers for taking the time to read my waffle ;)
Learn to weld biggest bit of advice for a disco at that age check the sills, rear body crossmember boot floor and front inner wings
chasing oil leaks is always good fun, also water leaks into the cabin. And as said above learn to weld
Learn to weld biggest bit of advice for a disco at that age check the sills, rear body crossmember boot floor and front inner wings
Cheers for that advice will take a closer look at those this coming weekend, did check it all out with previous owner when it was being serviced and all seemed sound, but a second look won't hurt eh ;)
chasing oil leaks is always good fun, also water leaks into the cabin. And as said above learn to weld
Yeah already found a very small oil leak (tiny actually) previous owner (friend & mechanic) gonna get it sorted for me as he wasn't aware of it when I bought it. But thanks again for the advice and yes I'm more than willing to learn to weld, my cousin is a mobile welder so gonna give him a call ;)
Yeah already found a very small oil leak (tiny actually) previous owner (friend & mechanic) gonna get it sorted for me as he wasn't aware of it when I bought it. But thanks again for the advice and yes I'm more than willing to learn to weld, my cousin is a mobile welder so gonna give him a call ;)

hi and welcome. where in leics you from? and i could be needing the services of a mobile welder myself soon if he's any good?
Welcome to the site. Your disco will come part of you. Specially if your lifting it and Putting big doc off tyres on. so on and so on. Good luck with her.
As for custom wheel covers. Loads of places on Ebay does them. Or Just buy a blank and take it to a sign writers. Get whatever you want printed on it.
Are you thinking of going Off road? Or is it for highways.
Welcome to the site. Your disco will come part of you. Specially if your lifting it and Putting big doc off tyres on. so on and so on. Good luck with her.
As for custom wheel covers. Loads of places on Ebay does them. Or Just buy a blank and take it to a sign writers. Get whatever you want printed on it.
Are you thinking of going Off road? Or is it for highways.
Thanks for your 'welcome'.
Loving having my disco (even though I managed to stall him today - how flippin embarrassing was that! lol :eek:). It's gonna be highways to begin with until I actually know what I'm doing with 'the beast' ;) Then I'd love to do some green laning - have been checking this out: Green Laning Then who knows maybe I will get the chance to try some off-roading in the future. But back to basics for now as my main goal at the moment is to get to grips with what goes on underneath, and having read posts on this website and taking into mind the 'suggestions' (to put it nicely) I need to learn how to weld!
Will check out ebay for printed wheel covers, thanks :)
I'll join you for some gentle green laning. And I bet my father-in-law (Disco 3) would come along too. Just got to change my air springs (joys of P38 ownership) and get some ATs...

Have you talked with Richard - think he has a Series and a Lightweight?
Hello and welcome!

What a refreshing proper introduction much better than the usual "this bits bust help me fix it" on post 1 we've been getting of late, As already mentioned learn to weld or befriend a welder, buy a big box of tools (or find someone who has), some WD40 and swarfega, download the free RAVE workshop manual and keep on this site.

Thats all Ive done and its served me well for about 4/5 years:D

EDIT: Holy S**t Ive just visited your webpage : Kerry Newell - Wildlife Artist - Home Page and Im absolutely blown away, I dont think I have ever seem such realism in pictures before, some of those dogs WOW :eek: I bet you could do some lovely pics of my Landy (bit different from wildlife but normally covered in:)- I mean bugs, mud, leaves and algae etc not dead dogs/cats/bird etc lol) Discount for Landyzone members nudge nudge wink wink;):D;):DLOL

PS Good luck with your trip through the Amazon;) Go for it!
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To understand the disco you need to know everything. so get it on some waste land with some hills if you can and use your low range and lock. once you get the feel of it and what she can do then you will be well hooked. Still an important part to come to grips with.
I'll join you for some gentle green laning. And I bet my father-in-law (Disco 3) would come along too. Just got to change my air springs (joys of P38 ownership) and get some ATs...

Have you talked with Richard - think he has a Series and a Lightweight?
Oh that's great news that you'd join me, along with your FIL, for some "gentle green laning" :D
As for your 'air springs' and 'ATs' yep you've guessed it I'm already at a loss :confused: so Google here I come ;)

Richard? Now come on Andrew I'm not psychic! lol x
I have owned my disco for just about 9 months its a 93 200 tdi, things I have learnt ontop of what you have put are.
if its not smoking its run out of oil
as soon as you find 1 leak and plug it, it will quickly develop 2 leaks.
and if an advert says its rust free it just means they will not be charging you for the rust :)
Well I'm on my third disco. they are good for green laining have good comfort but and a big but the rust is a problem that most of the time will need new panels not just patching. Mechanicly though there is little to go wrong so long as you service regularly. As for leaks well there not that hard to fix or find.

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