blimey thats lucky!!!! it was already wrapped in its own special police tape.....

I think they come like that outta the factory :D:D:D

Was a bit of a mess though... I think it musta happened not that long before i got there. I was there about 2, Trew said he'd driven past the spot about 10 and it was clear - guess it was a quiet day for the fuzz!

Nice planter don't you think!
i like the way it happened 'the other day' but it was clearly springtime...... fecking daffs

I think i took it in July - ok, not quite the other day but it weren't that long ago! I did a fred on it on the day - can ya find it?
yea i did hit tht fesi in that piccy the rear axle dont look too bad lift the thing up and the axle has been torn away at the mounting and goes up more or less any where i point it lol
pritty much bought it off her then i dont get a claim on my insurance onli cost £200 to buy it so a lucky escape and going to take it banger racing lol but just proves a 40mph + ish accident defenders arnt too bad i flew out on a roundabout n saw her at last min dint see owt so put foot t floor then hit her lol (p.s she had no lights on was 1pm int mornin) so not all my fault realy lol
Reminded me of the time my mate reversed his Landy, hit a wall and ended up spending ages doing repairs - to the wall.
I think yours was a case of a tank poking a cardboard box.

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