
New Member
Hey up guys i'm out of ideas and could do with some suggestions...

My Series 3 diesel 2.25 has been smoking like a c**t since I bought it a few months ago. Smoke is the grubby white acrid Unburnt Diesel, not coolant or blue oil.

So far:
Pump adjustment made no difference.... so after weighing up options went for:
New injectors (no change)
New Fuel pump and plumbing
New filter

No change...

New Valves
New Timing chain and sprockets (the teeth were fooked.)
New head gasket

Problem was still there. :mad::mad:

Whipped the head off after a leaktest showed all cylinders were just ****ing compression into the crank (no pressure ANY of the bores). Could hear it leaking into the crank.....

So on that assumption:
New Rings (pistons were ok - rings badly worn)
New head Gasket.
Oil change.

Smoke has reduced after this but still there...and now after a 20 min idle - it's back again :mad: :mad: :mad: and the pistons seem to be loosing compression again ????

I've used OEM gaskets both times, not pattern or ****part.

Anyone got any suggestions ? A 200tdi convo would be an option, but it's really expensive - and i'd rather get this money pit of an engine running right seeing as i've spent so bloody much on it so far...
how was cam timing set up as it is tricky and critical not as simple as petrol as it will give smoke as you describe ,cam and skew gear wear .rehone as std is waste of time needs taking out to +20,+40 etc the honed to piston size + clearance,i have built and machined alot and you cant get away with trying to reapply cross hatch ,without rebore
Timing was a pain, but got it bang on after 3 attempts. Even with rockers back off and manually cranked, there is is still ****e compression. If your saying it need a complete rebore, I may aswell junk it and shelve the build TBH.

It's got +.275 pistons (i think) and +30 rings as reccomended by the local workshop.

If it's leaking on all cylinders, a crack is doubtful, so i'd assume like you say, rebore and oversize is the route to go ?

are you saying it allready had +30 pistons ,and rings and pistons come together or did you just rering pistons as said it never works .you need to hone out 1 thou at least from rebored surface,you buy pistons and bore engine then hone to size ,gap rings in bore file as necessary ,you probably need new camand skew gear as they wear which spoils correct timing ,did you do cam timing with dti marking before and after exhaust peak and marking line halve way between
"Original" Pistons were re-ringed with +.30 after the rehone.

Timing was done as per the workshop manual, taking the midway line as a setpoint.
If it's rebore time, i think i'll just rip the bastard out and ram something else in there instead .... might take a few months, but hey-ho :(
So it now starts and runs fine with little smoke, and once hot no smoke?
Then smoke returns after 20 mins idling, if so is the stat working ie keeping the engine hot enough, i would say after 20mins idling thats not the end of the world.
If the stat is working fine why not try a hotter stat, got to be worth a go certainly before trying any more engine work.

the 2 1/4 diesel was not much cop rightfrom new ,FMHE just about OK in a 88 , dismal in a 109 . Stick a 200tdi in well worth the initial cost JMHO
aye. makes more sense to replace rather than continue tbh.
Been offered a 2.6 6 cyl in good nick, but trying to shoehorn the ****er into my 88" is probably more hassle than it's worth.

Although it is VERY tempting....
you must have petrol to burn .it would require bell housing on gear box so would probably cost more to fit than 200
Aye - that's why i'm only tempted - hell if i was gonna go that route, i'd be throwing in a v8 and selling the wife :D
im just fitting 200 in my light wieght,with std gearbox,not been difficult ,not fitting intercooler as want to keep front std
I have a nice 2.5 N/A engine that you can drop straight in for £100 if you want it.
Ran sweet emough with no smoke at all. I was told it was a recon and I have no proof but I have built a lot of engines myself and I seem to think it could be right.
I am taking it out for a 200 conversion.
i've aspare 2.25 block (complete but stripped engine) dont think its been bored at all if it helps..

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