I think its time for a quick summery.

Tones of white smoke, no apparent water loss
Engine idels horribly and jumps around
Touch the throttle (litrally a touch) and the RPM goes full on its own and stays there
One of the injectors hisses

Thanks again, all ur sugestions hav been gd but i still havnt managed to find the source of this crazyness. :(
The crank case thing happened to me, that's why I know... Must admit when it picked up and ran I was not looking at what was behind me but rather where I could safely leave the road! To get home all I did was disconnect the crank case breather pipe from the air intake to the turbo, then drove very slow home. The issue is it dosen't need much oil pick up to rev uncontrollably so there won't be much blue/black smoke. Try disconnecting the air intake to your turbo - check if it's wet with oil. Check your intercooler, is it full of oil, if yes to these questions then it's likely your problem.

Good luck

Intake from turbo full of oil. Thats why i replace the turbo thinking it was pumping oil into the engine and it was running on that.

Sounds like what happend to me, mine went crazy in traffic in the middle of Epsom high street, full of ppl on a buisy saturday, i filled the whole town with multi coloured smoke :(

What esactly do u mean crank case thing? And did u say u had to do a complete engine overhall? This is looking very bad indeed.

Intercooler? Do i hav one of them? This is an old Turbo Diesel.

Thanks, Rich.
Turn it on and check with the idle speed governer, check the white smoke to see if its diesel, and have someone ready to stall it in a high gear if it runs away.
What esactly do u mean crank case thing? And did u say u had to do a complete engine overhall? This is looking very bad indeed.

If your rings / pistons are worn then you will build pressure in the sump as a result of combustion. This pressure causes oil to be forced into areas where it shouldn't be, like the intake to the turbo! To remedy, at the very least, you'll need to replace rings.

Intercooler? Do i hav one of them? This is an old Turbo Diesel.

This is situated on the side (turbo) of your radiator. It cools the compressed air from the turbo before entering the intake manifold.


It'll only run on fumes if the breather is still connected to the air intake, which you say it isn't. Or if the oil that the turbo runs on is leaking into the air intake, if it's a new turbo then it shouldn't be this.

I've heard people claim that a diesel can run by sucking oil mist through the clearance between the worn valves and guides, though until I see this first hand I'll take it with a pinch of salt.

It's sounding like the injector pump neads looking at, I'd take it to a diesel specialist and get them to sort it.
Thanks guys. Im gona drag the thing down to a landrover place i know and see what he says on playing with it (a differnt one to the one who was addiment it was the turbo). I hope its the injector pump. If its the rings screw it, im gona be doing a Disco 200tdi conversion on my drivway, that will keep me buisy a while...

Cheers, Rich.
Going well. Who are you? do I know you? My ignition lock went on saturday and had to break it to get it off and now I start it with a screwdriver!
Me, I'm Wayne from Zululand SA - don't know each other personally, but we both drive Landy's. I was wondering if Woods (Rich) got his Tdi going again - the one that was posessed (I believe you offered to perform an excorcisim -or perhaps last rites)



I hav found the problem! Fuel injector pump is playing up and pushing diesel into the turbo. Once that pipe was pulled of and plugged it instantly sounded happier :D and runs good as it ever did. Im hoping one i fix it properly ill get some more power too!

Thanks, Rich.
Well that's good news, not sure which pipe you're talking about - I'll have to pop the bonnet on mine and have a look! Sadly, mine is still off the road, I'm assembleing one gearbox out of two - not that easy even with a book!


Ah I see. I work with a guy called wayne and he's into rally cars etc. He knows Ive just had a landy and thought he might have jumped into the forum!
Turbo back pressure pipe? Its an old TD engine not a Tdi.

Good luck with the gear box i know thats not fun.


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