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im in bed mate y? :D just kidding. im from a little lovely town called skelmersdale :crazy: just between liverpool and manchester really.
problem sorted with the 2wd it was just the diff lock linkage all sorted now and runnin a dream! went for a little play once sorted and found some mud to test my new tyres!! havin some trouble uploading but have got some wicked pics off chip finally muddy:D


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more hopefully


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im going to cowm quarry this sunday if i can dig out my paperwork in time... but on saturday me and a friend have been turning a barn on his dads farm into a workshop! we have a mig and arc welder in there and a compressor and a maaffffiss snap on tool box full to the brim with tools not an advertisement for sum1 to rob us by the way! haha so this saturday were getting both land rovers in the workshop and making a new bumper for mine out of some hefty tube iv just aquired from a fabrication place next to my work, and also making a rig to make some light bars... hes already made one last weekend so just need to tack weld a jig to make some more!! and also making some rock sliders to
a, replace my rotten outer sills
b, protect my car on those gastly rocks at cowm!
ill take pictures of the building up stage and of our day to cowm!
hope to see other landyzone members there im hard to miss as iv got a mclovin licence plate in my windscreen! come over and say hi we dont bite
i really hope to be going on sunday aswell, but i aint got no steering box atm.

dont spose anyone's got a spare steering box lying around?

cheers :D
as it happens a friend of mine is breaking a 200tdi? are you close to skelmersdale?? not sure how much he'd want for it?? or I'm going to hills tomoz so if u wantto ring up first thing pay by card over the phone and tell them to give it to me they know mr I used to work there I'll bring it with me on Sunday???
Problem is that hills is gonna be expensive I reckon!

Find out for me if you can mate! There's a breaker in bury that I know, he said 35 quid.

If you get any news please text me on 07818044463!!

Thanks mclovin! :D
Yeah I know, everyone always says that - but I've been a forum user for years and nobody ever seems to have problems, so i thought 'sod it'

desperate means and all that...

Thanks for the heads up though :D
Woohoo - got a steering box sorted!

Just got home from working on the disco!

So hopefully I'll be at cowm tomorrow, providing my noisy whiney gearbox/transfer case doesn't blow up on the way!

Whines in 3rd, 4th and worst in 5th...

Any ideas??

Cheers :)
not had chance to go on this weekend matey..... sorry but i would of gone for the £35 option myself!! haha did you make it to cowm i did and it was blooooody brilliant its my first pay n play day and im going to be attending as many as i can!!!! never got stuck once bent my passenger door at bottom and my rear quarter but nothing that cant be fixed!! apart forom that a trouble free day!!
Yeah I went to cowm mate

very windy but a great day - I got stuck proper once or twice - one time in a gully had to do a ray mears and stone a fence post into the ground to make a ground anchor to winch off :D

I was looking out for the plate in your screen but didn't spot it, but I did see a disco with a bent passenger door, and I thought "ooo, that looks painful"

anyway yah, new steering box was a bargain for 35 quid, nice condition one too and only a tiny tiny leak, which I can easily fix with my new seal kit Cos it's an easy one to get to.

Glad you had a good day, off road days are what I primarily use the disco for, and all the rest of the time I'm welding or repairing it! :) :(

Yeah that was me with the bent passenger door! which proves that i do need rock sliders!! haha i only got stuck once but it was a school boy error and ended up grounded out on a little hill had to get people to rock me so i could reverse of the ledge and as i did i bent my rear quarter nothing to baad tho.... chequer plates orderd now so that will cover the damage, rot and watever ugly bits that are on the bottom half.......... is yours the green v8? i seen a green v8 stuck up the top bit near the begining as i was playing in the deep sludge....
hi mate

yeah thats probably me.

i spent a long time working my way down a long gulley, near the entrance yeah iirc.

i got futher down the gulley than anyone else (no recent tyre tracks) due to stubbornness, persistence and momentum :D but then eventually got hella stuck further down it, which required some pretty excessive reversing by a helpful disco owner, who had to reverse up the hill and down the other end of the gulley so i could winch off him. the winch wire was at full extension, any closer and we'd all have been stuck :D

the deep section on the top of that brow area is good fun, but you really need a mate to constantly tug you out.

perhaps we could team up next time, it's much better if you can easily get recovery!!

cheers, sam.
ha ha yeah i was with 10 other land rovers that day so a tow was always close to hand although i didnt need it! but you should stick with us next time! think ill be going bala first sunday of every month!!
i have a new project heres thelink to the page....... so the disco will be takin a back burner and poss up for sale......:confused:

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