
Well-Known Member
my disco or HER !!! and give up off roading.....That's whats she has said fellas, that was last night.... so iv just put the disco in for more repair 2day and im now at my mates house with my pillow and sleepin bag and a beer :D well its been sat there a month now and i want it fixed, its a job i dont want to do cos i dont know what im doin and dont have the right tools to do it or drive way.
So i got some new tools today as well 120 bit socket set for £89.99 down from £200 at halfords, Wat a bargain !!! WELL WHAT WOULD U HAVE DONE ??
That's seriously harsh. What is wrong with the woman? We're not all like that I can tell you, reckon I'd be out there helping fix the disco. I like a bit spanner work, tis very enjoyable. Cept if its outside.

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