
New Member
Hi Folks,

Well, I guess working surrounded by so much Solihull Birmabright, It was bound to happen!




With 6 months T+T, a fair buy for £1500

Bit of a snap purchase, but I`ll be needing something to lug gear around in the next few months - plus I felt like buying myself a new christmas pressie!

Just a couple of issues though, heres a transcript of a text I send to a mate just after I bought it...
"Jus driven the Disco back from work, according to the badge on the rear door "T" means "turbo" I believe this to be a lie, its like continental drift on wheels.Half of the electrics seem to work different things,you need to plan your steering half a mile in advance,theres a worrying crunch from the gearbox,the sunroof leaks but i`m not sure which one,the heater should be sued under the trade description act,its draughty,noisy,cramped,cold and it gives me a headache. I love it!"
Incidently I managed to rack up 2 parking tickets earlier removed the 1st ticket while i went to get my parking permit changed over, only to find another ticket in its place.

They must bloody parachute these traffic wardens in.........

you won't kill it off roading you may bend i a bit but there easy to fix, oh and check if you have the early thin type rear radius arms they bend easy if you drop back on them when doing a hill climb
Yeah, easy enough I reckon. Even though it was abit of a snap purchase, I was after something that was as easy to fix as a 90 but not got the complicated electrical whatchamacallits of the RangeRover.

It`s been looked after by the previous owner though, so hopefully nothing much will go wrong with it..
(THe hope that NOTHING will go wrong with it is far beyond anything that Solihull could produce I think :) )
Aww its only go ickle tyres on it :D, Looks in good nick tho.

Did you check the boot floor and sills?

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