
New Member
Hiya :)

Ive had an on going problem with my defender 90 300tdi, its bril, i love it... but every now and them it completely refuses to start!!!
I've had it into a number of garages to try and resolve the problem its cost me alot of pennies.. it works for a couple of weeks then it goes back to this :confused:

It wont even turn over when it has its strops, i literally turn the key, the dash lights up but it wont turn over, i just hear a click.

The starter motors been replaced twice as the first one kept screeching, the wire to the starter motor is new, i've put a new battery and heater plugs in it and i've got an earth wire today to run from a bolt on back of alternator to bolt on body inside of bonnet to try and improve the earth just incase that's the problem.

I've not had the ignition barrel, alterntor or fuel pump replaced because it wont even turn over and i thought they'd atleast make it turn over (please correct me if i'm wrong i've still got alot to learn)

It doesn't do it all the time only now and then but it doesnt give me any warnings! Sometimes i can leave it for an hour and it'll start, sometimes it just wont start again (this happened about 3 weeks ago i had to get AA out) and other times i can keep turning key and messing with alarm and it'll start.

I dont think it can be the immobiliser or ignition barrel either as i have 2 LEDs running to dash from each of them from when the problem first started, so if it was either of them the LED to which ever one would not light up.

Its driving me mad and i dont like having to leave it places to sort itself out if it wont start :(

Just wondering if anyone has had the same problem or might have any ideas???

Thank you :D
Could just be a bad solenoid on the new starter have tried to jump the starter ?
Also battery terminals tight , have you also checked the positive cable too. Battery end and and starter end do the lights dim when its clicking if so more than likely a bad connection .
Its the 2nd new starter ive had in a couple of months just incase it was that. Thank you i'll check them again tomorrow. Nope the lights dont dim when it clicks.
Its the 2nd new starter ive had in a couple of months just incase it was that. Thank you i'll check them again tomorrow. Nope the lights dont dim when it clicks.

Mm I doubt you would have two faulty starters did you mark the first one just In case they were giving you bull you can rule out the ingintion barrel if its clicking in the starter position and the alternator too
Who supplied the starter motors? When it doesn't start do you feel normal spring pressure against the key from the ignition barrel and does it go to all positions?
bypass the ignition switch the next time it acts up (pull the contacts off the back and hotwire it) if it still does not work you can rule out the ignition switch, but i would bet money that it is the ignition switch that is fubared as i had the same symptoms with mine recently, very easy and cheap to replace..
Have you been dumping the landy in water? I went through 6 starter motors last year because of this, the solenoid on the starters really don't like water, give the starter a tap with a small hammer next time it does it and that should free the solenoid and then start.
Look inside the battery compartment on the forward facing wall, is there a metal black box (about 4 inches square) with one wiring loom coming out?. If it has this is the immobiliser for the factory alarm and can cause this sort of problem. it inhibits the starter and fuel when activated but can also suffer from bad joints inside. Next time it wont turn over on the starter give the box a good thump with your hand (or rubber mallet), if it now starts you are suffering dry joints on the relays. if this is the fault let me know and I can give you advice on how to repair it
Just another small experience to add into the mix. Back in 2012 my starter was occasionally failing to turn in response to the key. Eventually, after noticing that it was sometimes helped by wobbling the wires about, I narrowed it down to a spade connector on the starter. On separating this, cleaning it, and pinching it with a pair of pliers so the female bit gripped the male bit, the problem was solved and hasn't returned.
Thank you guys sorry i was working late yesterday so never got chance to look on here.

I'm going to go and try and have a look at what yous have said now. Thank you for all your help. If i bypass the ignition switch would that work as i had an alarm and immobiliser fitted to it so would it still work with the immobiliser? Nope the spring pressure feels normal when i turn the key.
The starter motors where from different places so atleast the 2nd ones got to be genuine. Nope ive not had it in water its my daily driver so only water is when roads have been flooded but waters not been too high plus its been playing up since i got it in about June.
Thank you :)

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