
Active Member

Correct registration number - wrong vehicle! The speeding and parking fines are landing on my doorstep already, all of them served in mainland England when my facelift 2004 D2 is all cosey in my garage as you can see - at my home in Northern Ireland. Notice the culprits have the sunvisors down to obscure faces but they look a pair of fat bastards thats for sure. Its not easy to tottally guard against cloning and I have never made any effort to avoid it to be honest but I am pretty sure that I've a few months of grief ahead.
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Nightmare this happened to a mate of mine he got his door kicked in & everyone in the house
dragged out there bed at 5am, his house pulled to bits as his cloned motor was used in a robbery.
It was over a year before he got it all sorted.
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Correct registration number - wrong vehicle! The speeding and parking fines are landing on my doorstep already, all of them served in mainland England when my facelift 2004 D2 is all cosey in my garage as you can see - at my home in Northern Ireland. Notice the culprits have the sunvisors down to obscure faces but they look a pair of fat bastards thats for sure. Its not easy to tottally guard against cloning and I have never made any effort to avoid it to be honest but I am pretty sure that I've a few months of grief ahead.

Totally wrong front end and if you have proof of it not having left the rock since the first offence then it's all good, they'll get off your case as the front end is totally different too.

What you can do next is to report it stolen in the area of one of the tickets and they'll hunt them down quick smart once they've finished arresting old ladies for FaceBook posts, of course.
Several differences for example the obvious facelift front end, sidesteps and black wheels. And they are fat bald bastards and i am slim and handsome with a good head of hair

However, my house being raided for crimes i haven't committed will wipe that smile of my face quite quickly.
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Several differences for example the obvious facelift front end, sidesteps and black wheels. And they are fat bald bastards and i am slim and handsome with a good head of hair

However, my house being raided for crimes i haven't committed will wile that smile of my face quite quickly.

The fact that you are in Ireland and can prove that your car is not the same as the one in the offence they should be happy to accept your response but you should also be informing the police that your registration has been cloned and that you want the people who have done it brought to justice.
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Correct registration number - wrong vehicle! The speeding and parking fines are landing on my doorstep already, all of them served in mainland England when my facelift 2004 D2 is all cosey in my garage as you can see - at my home in Northern Ireland. Notice the culprits have the sunvisors down to obscure faces but they look a pair of fat bastards thats for sure. Its not easy to tottally guard against cloning and I have never made any effort to avoid it to be honest but I am pretty sure that I've a few months of grief ahead.
How's it going with contacting Staffs Constabulary??
PS: the new D5! Still not sure, Td5 through and through, even when pennies mount up hahaha
The pennies would have to mount up in order to purchase a D5 in the first place!

Regards my cloning saga I have taken all appropriate steps thus far:

1) followed the SP30 appeals process explaining the circumstances via the Staffs Police website.
2) Reported the cloning via Staffs Police general enquiries phone line (the call taker was very efficient) and that alerts all police services of the cloned VRM so I like the idea of the Phil & Grant Mitchell lookalikes getting a tug somewhere.
3) Written to DVLA with copies of my V5 and the NIP from Staffs Police.

Did this all on Saturday amd feel a bit more relaxed about it although I know it's far from over.
Nightmare this happened to a mate of mine he got his door kicked in & everyone in the house
dragged out there bed at 5am, his house pulled to bits as his cloned motor was used in a robbery.
It was over a year before he got it all sorted.

That happened to me when I was about 17, I sold a motorbike and just handed the bloke the log book. It was later used as a getaway vehicle from an armed robbery. I had already emigrated but the special branch kept my mother's house under surveillance for a couple of weeks.
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Correct registration number - wrong vehicle! The speeding and parking fines are landing on my doorstep already, all of them served in mainland England when my facelift 2004 D2 is all cosey in my garage as you can see - at my home in Northern Ireland. Notice the culprits have the sunvisors down to obscure faces but they look a pair of fat bastards thats for sure. Its not easy to tottally guard against cloning and I have never made any effort to avoid it to be honest but I am pretty sure that I've a few months of grief ahead.

Keep all your receipts, for everything. It wont prove anything but it will kind of back up your story that you cant be two places at once. Keep a note of where you were when said offences occurred and try to get any cctv footage of you being somewhere else. These things can be a bugger to prove. The cops, DVLA, private parking companies don't give a toss. It is completely up to you to prove it is not you (even when it is obviously not you). It's easier for them to just persue you than it is to find out who the real perpetrators are.
Ironstrike, you are a real pessimist.
This happened to us too, all we had to do was to prove that the vehicle in Bournemouth, near where we actually live by the way, was not the same as the one my wife had left with a London car-parking-for-the-airport business, while she was in Germany on business. But the vehicle was the exact same make, shape, model, colour, etc.
We never heard from the police or anyone again.
With number plate recognition, they will catch the sods quick enough and in the meantime the fat gits will probably get some other poor beggars number and get plates made up to match, so OP will be left alone. His photographic and documentary evidence and the fact that he can prove he doesn't even have it on the same island, will prove it all. Especially the front headlights.
Ironstrike, you are a real pessimist.
This happened to us too, all we had to do was to prove that the vehicle in Bournemouth, near where we actually live by the way, was not the same as the one my wife had left with a London car-parking-for-the-airport business, while she was in Germany on business. But the vehicle was the exact same make, shape, model, colour, etc.
We never heard from the police or anyone again.
With number plate recognition, they will catch the sods quick enough and in the meantime the fat gits will probably get some other poor beggars number and get plates made up to match, so OP will be left alone. His photographic and documentary evidence and the fact that he can prove he doesn't even have it on the same island, will prove it all. Especially the front headlights.

When it comes to pencil pushers you bet your ass I am skeptical (not pessimistic). I have seen too many people (including myself) being put through ridiculous amounts of hassle because of "computer says no" situations. Better to be safe than sorry I say.
When it comes to pencil pushers you bet your ass I am skeptical (not pessimistic). I have seen too many people (including myself) being put through ridiculous amounts of hassle because of "computer says no" situations. Better to be safe than sorry I say.
Not saying you are wrong, just a bit pessimistic. In the end Cops love catching Robbers and this gives them a good chance of playing with their kit and doing just that. So they may well even find them and then put them under surveillance, to see what they get up to!
Not saying you are wrong, just a bit pessimistic. In the end Cops love catching Robbers and this gives them a good chance of playing with their kit and doing just that. So they may well even find them and then put them under surveillance, to see what they get up to!

I had a friend who was self employed, got a contract to work in South Korea so employed an accountant to look after everything for him while he was away. The accountant did some dodgy deals worth millions buying and selling IT equipment (my mate was in construction) and not paying any tax with his tax number. His accounts were frozen, he was only allowed a tiny amount to live on, anything else that came in to his account was seized by the tax authorities. He spent 2 years living on cheese sandwiches trying to prove he had nothing to do with the fraud. He was only exonerated after the accountant was arrested in Morocco for some other dodgy dealing. Although in fairness it was the Spanish tax authorities
I had a friend who was self employed, got a contract to work in South Korea so employed an accountant to look after everything for him while he was away. The accountant did some dodgy deals worth millions buying and selling IT equipment (my mate was in construction) and not paying any tax with his tax number. His accounts were frozen, he was only allowed a tiny amount to live on, anything else that came in to his account was seized by the tax authorities. He spent 2 years living on cheese sandwiches trying to prove he had nothing to do with the fraud. He was only exonerated after the accountant was arrested in Morocco for some other dodgy dealing. Although in fairness it was the Spanish tax authorities
I get your point, but in fairness, it is the police, the courts and the DVLA we are talking about here. But then again, I recently proved that a judge, a court office and a barrister made some huge mistakes resulting in a miscarriage of justice. Ended up OK for us though, no costs no nothing. So yes, court offices can be full of idiots, not all, just some!
All interesting responses, obviously a topic of interest.

Although I live in NI i work in London as a Paramedic and was in fact on duty at the time and date of this first speeding offence... my employer 'London Ambulance Service' will gladly confirm my attendance. Big Larry was safely tucked up in my garage at home, I fly to London for my run of shifts.

Will this incident and the inevitable agro make me more careful about posting photos online of any vehicles I own, probably not.... Me bad! And dumb!!
I have heard of Fire and Rescue people taking the coach from Hampshire to London to work, but NI to London, if there is a world-wide commuter prize you must be in contention! Good for you!