banzai billy

New Member
Good evening those wiser than I in all things P38!

Okay, where do I start with this one? Those of you who read my intro will know that I'm not particularly gifted where spanners and socket sets are concerned...but in these times of austerity, it very much is a case if you don't have a go, you'll never know!

So, I purchased this 1998 4.0 V8 with 122k on it and full service history up to 88k....I took a gamble because it was cheap enough and looked nice! I am now learning and coping with the various issues! Given the lack of service for the past 40k, I thought 'prudence dictates' get one done, changed the oil, fitted new Champion plugs, leads oil, air and pollen filters, once this had been done and before doing the belt, I fired the beast up to make sure everything was tickety boo....well in short, it wasn't! It was running rougher than a bear's arse! I firked about making sure everything was tight and tried again.....still nothing better, lots of popping, fizzing and banging, and to top it all, what sounded like a death rattle from the offside CAT! Bugger, I thought to myself, I'll look at that in more depth tomorrow (being Sunday) and went on to look at the fuel filter....that would not budge an inch, it appears to be seized onto the fuel line! RAVE is not very helpful in this regard, does anybody know if it is a left or right hand thread? Has anybody had one of these things seize onto the fuel line?

Having re-checked the plugs and leads, I've decided that maybe the MAF has packed up and ordered a new one...hopefully that will cure it? Thoughts and comments anybody?
I think before you just try switching parts I really think you need to get it to somebody who can give you a diagnostic session.
have a cup of tea and think.
it was fine before you changed things.
then it is probably somthing you have done.
be very careful.
When you did plugs and leads - did you do them one at a time?? if not, you may have put a lead in the wrong place causing a bit of a pickle!
When you did plugs and leads - did you do them one at a time?? if not, you may have put a lead in the wrong place causing a bit of a pickle!

That was my first thought. Also did you check the gap on the plugs before you fitted them?
Would try put the old plugs back in we have had a lot of misfire issues with champion plugs and are now using either denzo or ngk it would also be worth checking the plug leads are in the correct order first its quite easy to mix them up
Thanks everybody, it seems now to have settled down and is running well, I suspect that for some reason, it has taken a while for 'Hugo' to realise he has new oil, plugs and leads...he seems to have been abused by his previous keeper and is now receiving and getting used to the milk of human kindness so to speak! Well, actually, when i say running well, the offside CAT is completely shagged and as I'm driving along there remains a cacophony of pops and bangs coming from it.....So, my next question I replace both CATS at the same time or just the shagged one? And does anybody have an answer to my seized fuel filter problem?

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