
I'm new to your forum, I bought my Range Rover just after Christmas and have spent a bit of time sorting a few things, including rebuilding air pump, and replacing all the air springs. I have a few other niggles which I thought I would feed you one at a time!

So firstly , I have noticed, under the car, just behind the engine block, in what looks like a bell housing. there is a hole at approx 2" diameter with 3 bolt holes around its perimeter. Clearly there is a cover plate missing here, so the question is, is it important that I replace it?
(is it a dust cover of little consequence, or should the chamber be full of oil)

Thanks in anticipation.

Welcome fella :)
Go to the Introduce Yourself section and introduce yourself then head to the Range Rover Section and ask in there, theres nothing them boys dont know about the P38 :D

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