
New Member
Hello all you lovely Land Rover Defender owners out there, I have for you what might seem a rather strange request but I am hoping someone may be able to help me.

This year (14th July to be exact - I'm planning ahead muchly here :p ) I will turn 30, and since up until now most of my birthdays have been a bit mundane, I thought I should do something special for my 30th.

Myself and two of my closest friends have decided to do a road trip from Bournemouth (where we live) to Loch Goil in Scotland. The exact dates have yet to be confirmed but we are looking at going somewhere between the 15th and the 20th of July. The mileages is expected to be around 1000 - 1100 miles for the round trip.

I have always like Land Rovers, and my dream car is a Land Rover Defender (specifically if I was buying a new one would, it be the 110 Station Wagon XS)

With this in mind, I would really love to do this trip in a Land Rover Defender. Unfortunately I do not, and cannot afford to own one otright, and neither of my friends are drivers yet. So I am hoping someone would be kind enough to help me fulfil my birthday wish and lend/hire me a Land Rover Defender for a short time between the above dates.

I should say that I am by trade a professional driver, I have been driving since 2002 and, after driving long wheelbase vans for 5 years, I passed my PCV test and became a bus driver in March 2008. I also have full RAC cover.

What about Commercial Hire - I hear you cry! Well...

I could hire a Defender from my local U-Drive at a reasonable price, there is however one small snag wih hiring a newer model defender...

3 companions but only 2 front seats

this is the biggest reason for my begging for help from Defender owners. I could hire a transit and sit all 3 of us up font quite happily as there is no need for extra passenger room, and I do not intend to be going off road to any great extent, however it is my birthday and I want to drive a Land Rover Defender WAAH WAAHH *throws rattle out of pram*

*coughs* um sorry about that but as you can see I really do want to drive one of these exceptional machines, but as I am looking for a model with a front bench passenger seat capable of holding 2 passengers I have to look at the older series of defender. unfortunately I don't know how long ago Land Rover changed the design so I don't entirely know what series I am looking for. I only know that early 80's models did have such seating.

anyways, if someone (preferably in bournemouth or surrounding areas) would be willing to help me out, we now come to the issue of money,

I would be more than happy to cover the cost of being added to the insurance policy for the duration that the vehicle is in my care and will also cover all fuel costs etc as you would expect, if the owner wishes also to charge a nominal fee, then I would be willing to discuss that with the owner. I will also undertake to ensure that the vehicle is returned in the same or better condition than that at the time of borrowing.

So in short I am looking to beg/borrow/steal (maybe even pay for) a Land Rover Defender, with 3 seats up front (1 driver & 2 passenger).
The vehicle will be expected to travel approximately 1100 miles over 4 days (ish) somewhere between the 15th and 20th of July 2009.
The terrain covered will be mostly roads, with possibly (but unlikely) having to drive down one or two farm tracks. No extreme Off Road terrain will be covered.
I will cover the cost of having myself added to any insurance policy, as well as all fuel used durng the trip.
I will return the vehicle in the same condition (or better) than which I borrowed it.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and maybe even reply to this post
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No landrover thats ever been built, will take 3 adults up front comfortably. The centre seat is a joke and is only suitable for a child and even then the little fookers get their feet in the way of the gear lever.
Although there appears to be 3 front seats in a Defender, you cannot fit 3 adults in there. Especially for a long journey. It is extremely unconfortable with 3 people - even small ones.
Hire a County Station Wagon and enjoy the Defender experience in (relative) comfort.
Try Andrew Bath car sales in Green ore, Somerset. They're on the A39 just outside Wells. They hire Landrovers.

01761 241153
Or hire the D3 from U-Drive only £650 for a weeks hire. :eek: :hysterically_laughi
I would love to give my vehicle to someone I don't know to drive.
Perhaps on the way you could rob a bank and use it as a getaway car.
Get real, you come on the forum and your first post is wanting to borrow someone's pride and joy.

'Happy birthday when it comes' - if it really is your birthday.
I would love to give my vehicle to someone I don't know to drive.
Perhaps on the way you could rob a bank and use it as a getaway car.
Get real, you come on the forum and your first post is wanting to borrow someone's pride and joy.

'Happy birthday when it comes' - if it really is your birthday.

You beat me to that, it's like that fokin **** on he telly where they bubble and tell all that **** about always wanting to be a singer, it's all they ever, ever wanted to be, and their mum died, and lalalalallalal fokin la.

What next you want to shag my daughter coz your an ugly bastid and cant get anybody.


And happy birthday.

I felt like slob there!!!
i feel terrible,
what i'm trying to say is naive, in a sort of bournmouth rest home simplicity way of life, by the sea, whistling on the way to get the sunday morning papers.
okies first off thank you to those who posted sensible replies, I thank you for your comments. those of you who have decide with no proof that I am some sort of can man - I cannot say I did not expect this but I would like to point out that yes it is my first post be cause I do not own a land rover, and therefor have not had the need to belong to a land rover owners forum.
you should also not that I was offering to cover all costs and also pay a nominal fee for the pleasure. admittedly lending expensive equipment to a stranger is a strange and unlikely to be fulfilled request, but if you don't ask you will never get anywhere

oh and redhand I would never drive a discovery
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okies first off thank you to those who posted sensible replies, I thank you for your comments. those of you who have decide with no proof that I am some sort of can man - I cannot say I did not expect this but I would like to point out that yes it is my first post be cause I do not own a land rover, and therefor have not had the need to belong to a land rover owners forum.
you should also not that I was offering to cover all costs and also pay a nominal fee for the pleasure. admittedly lending expensive equipment to a stranger is a strange and unlikely to be fulfilled request, but if you don't ask you will never get anywhere

oh and redhat I would never drive a discovery

It's redhand yu fick fooker and what's wrong with a disco. Ok the D3 is a ****e vehicle but the D1 was an awesome offroader.
what do you mean by a "nominal" fee,
it all seems to be about you see, you're getting off bloody lightly for such delusion.
Lets have a look at the facts as i'd see 'em
first deposit,
£3,000 minimum for mine that is, returnable upon inspection of vehicle.
2nd drawing up a legally binding contract, i don't know you, it will be necessary! ?500.00?
Wear and tear expense, my "nominal" figure of £50 notes(tyres etc, scratches, clutch wear, all the little poo that adds up),
Full fuel tank return.

my vehicle i use for work, d'ya fancy chipping in to cover me fort what i'm unable to do without it?

And of course the cost of hire by the day.

so what figure did you have in mind?

Be realistic, go and hire one, and tell us how you get on, try and make friends here in your endeavors rather than being cocky about some understandable sarcy replies.
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Unfortunately I do not, and cannot afford to own one otright, and neither of my friends are drivers yet. So I am hoping someone would be kind enough to help me fulfil my birthday wish and lend/hire me a Land Rover Defender for a short time between the above dates.
I do not intend to be going off road to any great extent, however it is my birthday and I want to drive a Land Rover Defender anyways, if someone (preferably in bournemouth or surrounding areas) would be willing to help me out, we now come to the issue of money,
I would be more than happy to cover the cost of being added to the insurance policy for the duration that the vehicle is in my care and will also cover all fuel costs etc as you would expect, if the owner wishes also to charge a nominal fee, then I would be willing to discuss that with the owner. I will also undertake to ensure that the vehicle is returned in the same or better condition than that at the time of borrowing.
So in short I am looking to beg/borrow/steal (maybe even pay for) a Land Rover Defender, with 3 seats up front (1 driver & 2 passenger).
The vehicle will be expected to travel approximately 1100 miles over 4 days (ish) somewhere between the 15th and 20th of July 2009.
The terrain covered will be mostly roads, with possibly (but unlikely) having to drive down one or two farm tracks. No extreme Off Road terrain will be covered.
I will cover the cost of having myself added to any insurance policy, as well as all fuel used durng the trip.
I will return the vehicle in the same condition (or better) than which I borrowed it.

We all get spam emails worded in a persuasive way asking us for money or telling us about a sick long lost relative etc etc.

What the hell makes you think that any Land Rover owner is going to lend/hire you their pride and joy?

This has got to be the most elaborate way of legitimately obtaining the keys with a view to stealing that I have ever seen.

Well done chap, you got got a lot of gall, thats for sure.

Now I'm hoping that your IP address is traceable to Bournemouth (not Nigeria) and that Dorset Police are on their way to pay you a visit..................:nospamhere:
We all get spam emails worded in a persuasive way asking us for money or telling us about a sick long lost relative etc etc.

What the hell makes you think that any Land Rover owner is going to lend/hire you their pride and joy?

This has got to be the most elaborate way of legitimately obtaining the keys with a view to stealing that I have ever seen.

Well done chap, you got got a lot of gall, thats for sure.

Now I'm hoping that your IP address is traceable to Bournemouth (not Nigeria) and that Dorset Police are on their way to pay you a visit..................:nospamhere:

keep your voice down boomer me mot;s up in a couple of weeks, 'ees welcome to it, for ~£3,000;)
yeh mate
we'll sort you out,
no worries,
i take paypal, i'll leave it at chiveley services for ya too.
its a white one with black and gold squares on it, i'll even sling in some traffic cones and hi vis jackets for yer trip.
happy birthdee.
yeh mate
we'll sort you out,
no worries,
i take paypal, i'll leave it at chiveley services for ya too.
its a white one with black and gold squares on it, i'll even sling in some traffic cones and hi vis jackets for yer trip.
happy birthdee.


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