
Well-Known Member
Been a while since I've been on thanks to a certain tw@t on a certain island.... I digress :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, I found a problem a while back after suffering hesitation and mild misfire & thought it was the MAF. Indeed, the local indie plugged in his million dollar device & it came up MAF. Thus one was dispatched and fitted to no avail :(

The symptoms were indeed MAF related & I found them to be caused by Rover's ineptitude o_O Rather than make a one piece inlet breather pipe, they had the large bore from MAF to inlet manifold attached to a small bore from the IACV using a rubber washer and an aluminium strap that looks similar to a wrist watch. Took an age to find (and only discovered it when I was changing the heat exchanger) and thus fixed my idle & stalling problem.

However, once I'd fixed the LPG and started running on that, I was finding it idles fine, runs great at speed, but pulling away and kicking down weren't great....

Subject change, but you'll understand why soon...

My MoT was due 28th June so I booked her in for a comprehensive service. Service rescheduled due to unforseen at the garage. Meanwhile, I had already had the whole underside steam cleaned so we could trace the leaks. So I put her in for the test and she passed with no advisories. Not only that, she was running on LPG so I asked him to test the emissions. CO allowed 3.50 actual 0.05 :cool: HC allowed 1200ppm actual 66. So LPG system "is" perfect! So what's causing the seeming lack of "go!"

Service happened 2 days after the MoT test. Both diffs new oil, UJ's greased (2nd time in 4k miles), engine oil & filter (3rd time in 16k miles), air filter, pollen filters (2nd time in 16k miles).

Then we got in about the front to change the gearbox cooler & while we had been warned of stripping threads and all manner of stupid, the nuts both came off with a crack then spun by fingers :cool:, new cooler checked against the old for size, in/out lets and bolt holes. The "only" problem was no screw holes for the temp sensor. No problem, my mate had Q bond. Awesome stuff :eek: Placed sensor, dribbled some powder on the lug, dripped on the glue and a puff of smoke it was bonded. Repeated for the other sensor lug and it's in place beautifully :) I ordered some for my own use...

Cooler fitted, engine started, gears shifted and then topped up with 1.5 litres of ATF. No leaks.

Then came the hardest easy part, the aux belt & a noisy idler. Belt off, simple, idler bolt, creak, creak, creaak, creeeeaak.... "STOP mate!" But he kept going and *SNAP!* :(

Alternator off, bracket off and an hour of drilling later the thread was tapped out, new idler bolted on, bracket replaced, alternator replaced, new belt fitted and fired her up... Whine free for 1st time since I've owned the car :cool:

So here's the best bit. On the way home, I floored it up the hill after my mates garage. I had to check..twice, to see if she was running on petrol! The speed of the change down, the power and smoothness was a revelation :eek: I tried several more times, overtaking and whatnot, but it was the same! The difference is palpable :D She actually goes like oiled dog egg off a polished chrome shovel on LPG whereas before, it seemed weak and almost untenable.

So it turns out it was slightly low ATF which had been pissing out of the cooler that was creating the shifting problems, but it honestly felt like the LPG was shite! I saw it dripping now & then, but of course the majority of it was coating the underside of the car o_O

Anyway, all sorted and sounding sweeeeet :) And another service stamp in the book :cool:
Wondered where you'd got to. Ribs etc feeling better?

So the short answer is: down on power and clunky shifting = check the gearbox level?!

Never noticed my Q-bond smoking. It is just superglue with some plastic powder as far as I know. Not that fond of it myself, prefer epoxy.

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