
New Member

I've introduced myself and thought I would start my own thread on the progress of my 110.

I'll keep the story short, I had a 90 2.25 Petrol which I got from a local dealer, couldn't cope with the petrol so god rid after 2 weeks.

Anyway, after being car-less for a bit I took the plunge and went up to Withams. I was very impressed with their hospitality and kindness, we were rushed quite a lot as it was only on Saturday with an hour and a half till closing.
Never the less, we spent every minute of it searching for the right one, the amount there was endless, and myself and my work colleague didn't want to leave!

Anyway, I finally decided on a 110 soft top, 2.5 N/A.. Recon engine, pretty good rubber all round, hood is pretty good and underneath doesn't look like a Land Rover! very impressed,

So they are doing their 'safety checks' on it and I'm waiting for the phone call so I can go and collect it. Photos below of our morning out...

I'm going to mostly keep it as it is, probably add a few things here and there which I'll keep people posted via pics. I love the military look, and will be adding a lot of ex-mod equipment just for the looks






We struggled to find a decent 90, but had alot more luck with the 110s, and tbh I prefer the 110s anyway, a lot more space to taxi the drunk friends around.
Great job - Looks like you've got a nice one there. I did the same just over a year ago. My one now has a tdi engine and a few upgrades though. How much did you pay for that?
My 110 Project thread
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Ah! Hello, I was hoping you would see this as I followed your thread and got the guts for taking the plunge and doing it from you doing it!

So thankyou! :)

Yes, I think I have got a good 'un, can't wait to pick it up! they are only doing the safety check, and putting a new spare tyre on, hopefully I'll get a call very soon.. how long was it for you again?
I paid the extra to have them MoT, tax and register if for me. I picked it up a week after choosing it I think. I was on holiday so it was ready when I got back.
Out of interest how much extra was it for having all those bits done for you? seen as though I'm gonna be registering and MOT act myself it should be a speedy turn around, I'm hoping for a phone call Mon/Tue
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I paid a very similar ammount. Think I paid 2800 plus vat. The mot, registration, 12 months tax etc was about 500 extra if I remember rightly. I think it works out that it's about £150 cheaper to do yourself. They fitted a couple bits for mot included in that money too so made less than 150. For the sake of 150 though I was happy for them to do the legwork.
It would make sense to get them to do it, but I'm too impatient to wait a week! so wanna get it home ASAP.. ah well! 2,800 is a good price too, I noticed the paint work was a bit tired on yours when you got it, you've soon spruced it up a little though, done a nice job, Mines got a decent paint job already, so I can justify it being a little bit more $$$.. How did you find Withams?
Yeah the paint on mine was bad but chassis and everything else is solid. Paintwork now is ok but I still want to properly rub it down and spray it.
Hopefully you'll sort out the paintwork soon, tbh, I'm not fussed about paintwork so I could have got a worse off one paint wise, but we were rushed as it was on Saturday and the bloke wanted to go home! still happy though
Hi Guys id just like to say,I'm very impressed there!...im going down to Withams when I'm home next in 3 weeks & hope i can find a hardtop in the same sort of condition!..i liked the look of lucifus 110 swell there,so it just goes to show there is some very tidy ones to be had.I went to blanchards last week,& wasn't very impressed with there stock of 110s,but they had plenty of half decent 90s in,but like i say I'm after a 110 hardtop,so it looks like ill be spending a full day down there i reckon.What sort of year have they put on it if you don't mind me asking?,I'm going to go the full hog & pay for the MOT & Tax swell & pick back up to enjoy the drive back north home,so i don't mind waiting a week or so,have you got any photos of the engine bay?...anyways if there is any advice you can give me,i.e. who to talk to then that would be great as I've never been to withams & blanchards was the 1st ex MOD dealer I've been to,but I've looked at a few ex MOD 110s but not found a good one yet for the money I'm looking to spend.Cheers
Chugginton - The years vary. Mine is an early 94. Dont worry too much about the year. You should be looking at the condition of the vehicle. I think they had 95/96 110s when I was there too. There are slight differences to look out for. The later ones have the R380 gearboxes. My 94 has rear disc axle and was solid underneath. Engine bays vary. Most I looked at had reconditioned engines at some point. (recon engines are painted blue and have date plate on them stating basic engine recon figures and date). Dont be afraid to haggle. The land rovers arent priced up there. You have a look and decide what one you like then ask them how much. You can then bring them down on the price. You cant walk around on your own. One of the staff will be with you (health and safety).
Exactly what Lucifus said,

I found that we were rushed, and had to make a quick decision because the guy who was taking us round had bigger fish to fry, so go at a time which is quietest, don't go on a Saturday! we spent an hour and a half trying to find the right one, but I was being very very picky! their range of 110 hard tops I think is the most in quantity, so you'll have a good choice, I found the 90's to be in a 'very used' condition. never the less, be ruthless and don't compromise, you'll find your perfect one.
And yes, HAGGLE! the guy I had love it, they have no set price, so you can get a good deal out of them! they are also prepared to do work on them to make them right
Many thanks for the advice gents,Im hoping to get there midweek & early on as its a 2.5hr run from my home,but me & my dad are both ex mil,so hopefully we will get to climb inside someones head for a haggle or two & hopefully come out trumps!.. like i said im just going to pick one,get them to check it over & MOT/Tax the thing get it registered so all i have to do is turn back up & drive back home,but many thanks again for the advice & ill try & work this photo bucket thingy out & get some pics posted as soon as i get sorted out. :)
Cheers Paul.
I've picked up a few vehicles from Witham over the years, they might not be the cheapest but if you take your time to look around, you will always find a good one. I picked up a 90 about a month ago but compared to last time, the very tidy ones seemed to be fewer on the ground. There were plenty of tidy 110s about though. We managed to get an MOT and Waxoyl thrown in with the price, but the waxoyl did seem to be a bit of a rush job.

As above, the more expensive ones come with disc braked rear axles, r380 gearboxes, wolf wheels, the later type tyres (G90s??) and much tidier bodywork...some have even been re-sprayed instead of brush painted.

If you have time and the saleschap lets you, ask if you can go for a wonder round the site, some of the kit around the back is amazing!
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Just a quick update, I am due to collect monday morning. An oportunity has arrisen with work and they want a Porsche 356 taken up to a place near Withams so we thought we would go up in the Porsche, drop it off and drive the landy back down.

It's booked in for an MOT on Tuesday, with fingers crossed it'll pass and I will be going to the DVLA office in Oxford Wednesday morning to get it registered.
This is what we are going up in..

Yes, keep us updated on how you get on.. I'll post on Mon/Tue on how we get on, and will be providing lots of different photos of how I get on! :D

Well, heres my update. So we collected from Withams Monday, set out at 6 am and was up there at 9.00am sharp. Headed on in, but we were too tired to even think about asking to look round, plus we had another 40 miles north to go to drop off the porsche.
Anyway, went into reception, my landy was brought round from the workshop, I paid the remaining balance, whacked the trade plates on and we were off!

I was bitterly dissapointed as they took out the SA80 rifle mounts from the middle compartment.. Anyone got any replacements, I want them back in.. Thats all they did in the 'Safety check' :(

I have to say, the first 40 miles felt like a dream, it really has had a new recon engine in it, and from what we have gathered from the MOT today (more details below) is that it had a replacement gearbox, in fact, the majority of parts are all new!

One MASSIVE bonus was I got with the landy a big folder, about 200 pages of service history, right from its first inspection with the 87th Signal Squadron.. then went to the 37th Signal Regiment, then to the 201 Field Hospital.

With the history I have got, and the condition of the landy, its fair to say that this ones had a very easy, stress free life. the condition underneath is amazing, the chassis never been welded and the bulkhead/footwells haven't got a bit of rust/corrosion in sight.

Photos of everything below!

Just picked up and outside sorting out the satnavs ect

So it was off to the MOT today after getting back last night, and I am please to report that it PASSED!!!!!! whayyyyyy!! With no advisorys, the whole garage stopped work and were admiring it, aswell as looking underneath in dis belive at the condition, I was gleaming








The fire extinguish did stay though!

I have decided to keep it fairly simple and leave alot of it as it is. I want to find the regiment emblems (already found 2) and I'm going to stencle them onto the doors with matt black spray paint, hopefully get hold of the rifle mounts, and I'm taking out 2 of the bench seats in the far rear bit so I'll have half room for friends to sit, half room for aload of **** I don't need, might make a mount for a large jerry can or ammo boxes..

Also, its called.... WINSTON


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