Just got to the begining of this thread and found out what it was all about. If I had a stereo in the Landy and if I could hear it I'd listen to Pink floyd, proper R&B and Classic FM. Why d'you ask?
Oh. Your quite right you didn't did you. There's someone in the new larkers bit askinng questions aboiu=t thinds I'm off to bed tata
Because Heidi is a Dutch Land Rover we keep things authentic by listening to Dutch bands. My particular favourite is "Earth and Fire". We also keep things authentic by leaving 1 or 2 Dutch magazines on the passenger seat ;)
My condolence's gareth, having to put up with that. the things you have to go through to keep it real ;)
Hey, bin' away a couple of days & come back to find my name being taken in vain........Marillion? You feckers! Fish, might like them in me snorkel, but I bleedin' hate that bloke!

Nope, it's "Dumpy's Rusty Nuts" for me......Though that might change when I've changed every one of the seized & rounded burstards!
yella disco said:
do you by any chance have a ponytail ;)

:D :D :D

I was waiting for the torrent of abuse to begin!

Actually, I am very unlike your standard Marillion stereotype......I've just liked them since I was about 14!

I wouldn't say i'm an avid fan but I must confess to singing along to 'Kayleigh' and such-like whenever they're on the radio:eek:
Brad Paisley, Toby Keith, Eminem, Funeral for a Friend, Fall Out Boy and a bit of Transvision Vamp!

Alpine 9850 and Ipod! Plus a rather strange mix of music.

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