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The better half was renewing her car insurance.

Explored the multicar options, this seems very favourable.

Have a question though, when we gave the insurer the landy reg , it doesn't come up on 'there' system.

This also happens when I go to my local independent landy garage, they suggested this might be because the original dealer supplied unused ex MOD civy vehicles, can anyone shed any light on this?

its a 2004, 110 with a Kieth Gott plate on the back.

This does happen from time to time for various reasons, my mother has a 2005 Corsa which is a completely 'normal' car that she's had from 12 months old. It's never come up on any systems (Even places like Euro Car Parts) but there's nothing amiss.

It should just be a case of entering the 110 manually, you may get the odd insurer that gives you the 'Computer says no' type answer, if so, try a specialist :)

Happy to provide a quote if you want to PM me some details, we'll give discount for insuring more than one vehicle with us and you'll also get the LZ discount of up to 15% too of course :)


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