The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
got myself a "clear" coolant bottle (from a golf) but it is rather cruddy inside - must have had HGF or something - brown muck lining the inside and the plastic is stained.
I am trying to clean the inside and so far unsuccessfully, except where i can get a brush to.
I have tried washng up liquid, dishwasher liquid, dishwasher cleaner, caustic soda and none of it seems to make any difference.

Any ideas?
Limescale remover, soak overnight, good rinse, couple of dishwasher tablets and hot water.
I tried everything except petrol or de-scaler - but why would de-scaler work - its not limescale. Only bits I have managed to clean are those I can reach with a brush!! :(.
As said before...A limescale remover, or strong citric acid solution. Citric acid powder is cheap as chips to buy. OR, try coca cola (a cheap own brand cola will suffice!)
The crap in there is usually alkaline...therefore needs an acid to shift. Citric acid is 'safer' than most (even food grade), so use this

Plug the holes, fill up, and leave to soak for a couple of days.
Dunno why but it works - my son cleaned up an old Sierra bottle like this for his kit car. Perhaps it's the result of filling up with tap water?
Cola is also very good at shiny up black trim too.....I think theres a story about the american car dealers using coca cola or pepsi to shine up tyres!
(though shouldnt really be applicable with landys...well...maybe the odd freelander or range roony?!)
mixture of builders sand and fairy liquid. pop in, spend a while swilling it about, pour out. seems to have mostly worked on mine, tho be careful to get all the sand out afterwards...
got myself a "clear" coolant bottle (from a golf) but it is rather cruddy inside - must have had HGF or something - brown muck lining the inside and the plastic is stained.
I am trying to clean the inside and so far unsuccessfully, except where i can get a brush to.
I have tried washng up liquid, dishwasher liquid, dishwasher cleaner, caustic soda and none of it seems to make any difference.

Any ideas?

This is gonna sound daft but toilet descaler ;)
First question......Why? Its a washer bottle not a IV drip.

Coz there looks like 1/4" of brown ****e inside of it.
I wud rather that didn't go into my '40s coolant system, so I would like it fairly clean before I fit it. It might also help if I could actually see the coolant level thru the side walls.
Sand seems to be working at the mo, ta.

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