i had someone rocking the steering whilst i was under, couldnt find anything wrong. There is a smidgen of play in the r/h swivel so im going to set them.

It drives much better now the rear damper is attached haha. Its almost a pleasure to drive!

Ive got a wheel balancer, when i have them off to do the swivel i will balance them up.

Not coming in the disco to lz - i actually want to get round the greenlaning section you know!
did just have my first accident for a while in it though,

some dolt was too close to me so when i braked for the vehicle in front he slammed into the back of me. Then a 7.5 tonne recovery truck slammed into him and a prius into that!!!

No damage to the disco but the towbar has pretty much decimated the front of his little bippa thing.
well the brakes work at least......

thats a positive no excuses for the mrs smashing the disco like the rangey then !
lol exactly

ive noticed her stories changed a bit now since i bought that green disco which is an auto. She said she wouldnt drive it as she is worried in an accident she would press the accelerator by mistake instead of the brake...

wonder what happened to that wall hmmm?
you starting up honest pauls 4x4 emporium ? or is it 4x4 top trumps your playing ? collect the whole set !
lol i wish

I have far to many vehicles at the minute which we are going to cut down on. Need to replace the injector in the rexton then we can flog that

if she likes the disco then we might well flog her l200

Get the green disco sorted then i can get a whitbread comp safari chassis for the white disco to donate too :cool:
funny thing is, as i go through sorting problems, i get to hear the next awful noise that i couldnt hear beforehand. Its so confidence inspiring :rolleyes:
fitted the new hd steering damper last night. Much better. I can actually get up to 70 mph!

The wobble is still there as the dampers just masking it, but its considerably safer. Going to check swivel loading next.
funny thing is, as i go through sorting problems, i get to hear the next awful noise that i couldnt hear beforehand. Its so confidence inspiring :rolleyes:

Ah, the pleasures of LR ownership !!:D

At least its fixable - just at the local motor factors, and was being told a horror story about a 2010 all electronic "thing", which the dealership had literally in pieces, and then a factory man out to look at it . . . three days he spent, and then admitted defeat - one car scrapped as not fixable, beacuse they didn't know what the problem was !!:eek:

Its progress you know, honest:confused:
cor... its amazing what rebuilding your propshafts can do

Its now driving much better, and quieter! thanks to replacing all the ujs :)
oils leaking from everywhere so its hard too tell :eek:

tis only to keep her out an about for a few months whilst her l200 is fixed. Then itll be flogged... or stripped and turned into a trayback... who knows
mrs vil just rang me in a panic saying the rear prop has fallen off!

she sent me a picture on whatsap (modern tech is really handy isnt it) and my response was, ah dont worry luv, its only the other damper :eek:

She now has an extremely bumpy ride home to enjoy until i can weld on some new brackets tonight.

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