Big Al inSalford.

New Member
Well whilst out today at the peaks sledging me and a few pals decided to go on the donkey sanctuary lane (starts just after the roundabout) well stupid me decided to stop to select low
Box with centre diff :rolleyes: well as you would expect stuck! :eek: so after a few pushes of the others that didnr help, the only way was to winch.
Whilst winching up a farmer who has a barn just at the top of the first bit came along going mad.
After having to tell him to stop being aggressive advised it was a legal lane and we had every right to be there! Well he wasn't having non of it! He said at one point get that strap off that tree or im going to cut it off he said:eek:
Well that was it, I told him to calm down and had to tell him again to stop being aggressive he explained he had 38 beasts in the barn and had to feed em and the lane was blocked further up any way? bollox:der:
Well I told him we would gladly help him up the lane if he needed it but there was no getting through to him. So our best option was to reverse off the lane.
Its getting harder to go out these days without confrontation and aggressive people trying to tell you your in the wrong.

Rant over! Have fun in the snow people and be safe, but bare in mind even tho were all a bunch of terrorists :rolleyes: don't stoop to there level if someone needs a hand stop and offer a lift hopefully it may help to change peoples view off green laners.
call the cops

Maybe best to double check legality first......recorder on phone can be useful and discrete....or video if they need reminding that they can't get away with just anything they like.....though it often ups the ante some so be careful
Well done for keeping yer cool....not always easy :cool:

Being an ex doorman I know how to deal with situations like that no matter the out come. I could understand where he was coming from as his animals are his livelyhood not just a hobby like me up that lane but he shouldn't be telling people they shouldn't be there and threatening to commit criminal damage. Coz one day it could very well turn nasty. But guess who would get the blame:rolleyes:
Being an ex doorman I know how to deal with situations like that no matter the out come. I could understand where he was coming from as his animals are his livelyhood not just a hobby like me up that lane but he shouldn't be telling people they shouldn't be there and threatening to commit criminal damage. Coz one day it could very well turn nasty. But guess who would get the blame:rolleyes:

Thats exactly why it's so important
Too true blue!
At times like these the bobblies would love to jump on a story about 4x4 drivers fighting with farmers etc over driving on a lane. We ALL have to bite our tounges sometimes and dissolve the situation and not get dragged into a situation that can only go against us.
Just wish all the other lane users could see it like that, instead of the fook you attitude.
Sorry, but I'm fully behind the farmer on this one. He has a job of work to do, and animals to keep alive and his path is blocked by a numpty!

Firstly, which bit of "don't journey out unless it's absolutely necessary" do you think doesn't apply to you?

Secondly, if you're going to drive in snow, then learn to drive. I was taught in my teens that to gain traction in snow you should avoid first gear. Yet you compound that error by selecting the low box. Perhaps a Vauxhall Corsa is more your type of vehicle.

Finally, to choose to travel down a green lane, with its absence of kerbs, signposts and street lights is not the brightest thing to do given that you can't even see the surface if the road.

Your overall ineptitude at driving, let alone driving a 4X4, does us other 4x4 drivers a dis-service.
Sorry, but I'm fully behind the farmer on this one. He has a job of work to do, and animals to keep alive and his path is blocked by a numpty!

Firstly, which bit of "don't journey out unless it's absolutely necessary" do you think doesn't apply to you?

Secondly, if you're going to drive in snow, then learn to drive. I was taught in my teens that to gain traction in snow you should avoid first gear. Yet you compound that error by selecting the low box. Perhaps a Vauxhall Corsa is more your type of vehicle.

Finally, to choose to travel down a green lane, with its absence of kerbs, signposts and street lights is not the brightest thing to do given that you can't even see the surface if the road.

Your overall ineptitude at driving, let alone driving a 4X4, does us other 4x4 drivers a dis-service.

That's a bit harsh. The lad made a mistake, like we all do and have done in the past.

We all agree that the landowner had a job to do and in a perfect world they could have both helped each other rather than the landowner kicking off on a public road.

Cool it muchacho and put that dangerous keyboard down.
That's a bit harsh. The lad made a mistake, like we all do and have done in the past.

We all agree that the landowner had a job to do and in a perfect world they could have both helped each other rather than the landowner kicking off on a public road.

Cool it muchacho and put that dangerous keyboard down.

Yeah I'm with slipper on this, the donkey sanctuary lane is a wide open gravel track, so with some snow added it may have been hard work but no grounds for the farmer to go beserko.

If no middle ground can be found between the two parties involved in the argument then agree to disagree and pacify where possible is the only solution.

I do feel however that due to the nature of that lane (driveable in a corsa usually as it happens) that it was unfair to say that the OP shouldn't have been there.

It's snowy, the ground is hard and the conditions are magical, it's against the law to not go out and play about and do silly stuff in it, especially seeing as you can't damage what's underneath.

All for it here, should have been out today but disgracefully hungover :(
Like I said we offered to stay and help said farmer get to his cattle even when we were faced with aggressive abusive anger. Wish we could all be as perfect as you.
Oh and by the way if your the type of person that listens to all the government has to say and follows there advice word for word then your a lost cause in my book. Get out there and live your life. No harm was done and like others have said I had every right to be there.
Throw another log on your fire and fetch a cup of coco it will be spring before you know it then you can safely get back out enjoying yourself......unless the government tell you not to.
Like I said we offered to stay and help said farmer get to his cattle even when we were faced with aggressive abusive anger. Wish we could all be as perfect as you.
Oh and by the way if your the type of person that listens to all the government has to say and follows there advice word for word then your a lost cause in my book. Get out there and live your life. No harm was done and like others have said I had every right to be there.
Throw another log on your fire and fetch a cup of coco it will be spring before you know it then you can safely get back out enjoying yourself......unless the government tell you not to.
:hysterically_laughi :behindsofa:
+1 for Big Al ..

But getting stuck .. on DS lane (a fecking green motorway) .. LOL .. ;) No reason not to go mind :)
Sorry, but I'm fully behind the farmer on this one. He has a job of work to do, and animals to keep alive and his path is blocked by a numpty!

Firstly, which bit of "don't journey out unless it's absolutely necessary" do you think doesn't apply to you?

Secondly, if you're going to drive in snow, then learn to drive. I was taught in my teens that to gain traction in snow you should avoid first gear. Yet you compound that error by selecting the low box. Perhaps a Vauxhall Corsa is more your type of vehicle.

Finally, to choose to travel down a green lane, with its absence of kerbs, signposts and street lights is not the brightest thing to do given that you can't even see the surface if the road.

Your overall ineptitude at driving, let alone driving a 4X4, does us other 4x4 drivers a dis-service.
get back in your ivory tower I think the angels are waiting.must be nice to be perfect:cool:
Only thing I'll say is that with a lot of lanes their is a right to drive. but it doesn't give you the right to use trees etc as recovery points (I Know I KNOw I've used em meself) and if the tree was on the farmers land then he had the right to insist you remove ya strops and winch cables.

But like ya say there's a right way and a wrong way to react in this situation..

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