Around 22mpg with my 4.6 Vogue.

You must live in a motorway service station to get that kind of average. 22 quite possible on a steady run, but as soon as you hit stop start traffic 22mpg is in the land of make believe in a 4.6 V8

So you're the definitive expert then? My Rangy DOES get that average as per the onboard computer, and my Audi S8 actually gets 25mpg......I don't find it necessary to floor the accelerator to enjoy the performance of either V8 or to indulge in any of the other fuel-wasting antics I've seen at many a stop street or traffic queue. I use both vehicles primarily for long commuting journeys with a mix of /town / city traffic and long stretches of motorways or A roads. I don't use either of them for very short journeys if I can help it, as I am fortunate to have the use of a smaller car as well. The Rangy I am very careful to change oil etc every 3-5 thousand miles and it is as mechanically perfect as possible.

What's with the attack on someone getting a better fuel consumption than average?? Little Green Man in you showing himself then??:D:D
err no,i will jump to anybody's defence if i think they are telling things about their own experience, if someone else is putting them down for no apparent reason:)

Thanks John, there are a number of plonkers about who think their own opinions are the only valid ones and that their experience with V8 fuel consumption and a great big heavy foot on the accelerator is the same for every other Rangie owner.......I wouldn't waste my time or energy in posting bull**** about fuel consumption or any other issues about my Rangie, life's too short for that and I shareactual experiences with others on the forum, not a pack of lies :cool::)
Thanks John, there are a number of plonkers about who think their own opinions are the only valid ones and that their experience with V8 fuel consumption and a great big heavy foot on the accelerator is the same for every other Rangie owner.......I wouldn't waste my time or energy in posting bull**** about fuel consumption or any other issues about my Rangie, life's too short for that and I shareactual experiences with others on the forum, not a pack of lies :cool::)

your most welcome.:D
Thanks John, there are a number of plonkers about who think their own opinions are the only valid ones and that their experience with V8 fuel consumption and a great big heavy foot on the accelerator is the same for every other Rangie owner.......I wouldn't waste my time or energy in posting bull**** about fuel consumption or any other issues about my Rangie, life's too short for that and I shareactual experiences with others on the forum, not a pack of lies :cool::)

i can get upto 600mpg in my v8, depends where the fecker breaks down and is recovered from!!!

your most welcome.:D

the actual getting up and movin bit!!!!

note to self: must clean bollocks, they can smell em in ****eholechester
is there still that bug going round, that one that makes ****astrians delusional when decribing thier home county???
well here is my opinion, i would have a petrol range if i had an endless pot of money for fuel. i prefer diesel, your gettin better fuel, not that much difference in power if you give them a tweak. and that bmw lump will outlast any v8. and dont even get me started on lpg conversions, friend had one fitted at the cost of 2k, engine had only done 62k on a n reg. eat the rings, melted one piston and cracked the block. yes this is just one case im sure there are loads which have no issues but i wouldnt bother for the inconvenience of finding a lpg station, loss of spare wheel well or boot space. diesel for the win, lol
i wonder what the setup was like on that lpg kit??? my last engine did 170k, had lpg fitted in 2000, liners eventually slipped. this engine has only done about 12k, top hatted liners, cant slip so we'll see if the pistons hold out!!

i dont think yer mates is typical of lpg cars or rangies in particular
prolly not 28 miles in a rangie!! and how would you know? you would never drive in the same manner as you did for the last 400 miles or whatever you get in a rangie
So you're the definitive expert then? My Rangy DOES get that average as per the onboard computer, and my Audi S8 actually gets 25mpg......I don't find it necessary to floor the accelerator to enjoy the performance of either V8 or to indulge in any of the other fuel-wasting antics I've seen at many a stop street or traffic queue. I use both vehicles primarily for long commuting journeys with a mix of /town / city traffic and long stretches of motorways or A roads. I don't use either of them for very short journeys if I can help it, as I am fortunate to have the use of a smaller car as well. The Rangy I am very careful to change oil etc every 3-5 thousand miles and it is as mechanically perfect as possible.

What's with the attack on someone getting a better fuel consumption than average?? Little Green Man in you showing himself then??:D:D

I don't claim to be a definative expert on anything. But using the trip computer to work out fuel consumption, is not the most accurate way of doing it. The true test is to brim your RR, zero the clock, fill it back up and work out the average of fuel used to mileage covered.

Lots of people who are considering buying a RR use these forums for advice. Many of them would rush out tomorrow and buy one if they thought 22mpg was the norm, and if thats what you get, good for you. I'm just trying to give a wider perspective that most poeple will achieve far less.

As for the green eyed monster, I knew before I got mine, it would use shed loads of petrol, and she hasn't dissapointed on that front.
mine I got 17.9 going steady on a 4.0 v8 and usually 15.9 reasonable and about 13.9 towing or driving it hard
I don't claim to be a definative expert on anything. But using the trip computer to work out fuel consumption, is not the most accurate way of doing it. The true test is to brim your RR, zero the clock, fill it back up and work out the average of fuel used to mileage covered.

Lots of people who are considering buying a RR use these forums for advice. Many of them would rush out tomorrow and buy one if they thought 22mpg was the norm, and if thats what you get, good for you. I'm just trying to give a wider perspective that most poeple will achieve far less.

As for the green eyed monster, I knew before I got mine, it would use shed loads of petrol, and she hasn't dissapointed on that front.

Oh but you did :) you were extremely negative about my 22mpg, inferring that it was untrue and adding sarcastic remarks. As for working out the fuel consumption, I have no discernable difference between my trip computer and filling the car and working out the average between trips. I have worked out the consumption and also checked the fuel computer on many occasions during my five years of ownership on my Rangie with little if any difference between the two, so much for the myth of how the fuel compter doesn't work!!

I most certainly did NOT say 22mpg was the norm, as it decidedly is not - and "just giving a wider perspective" is a strange way of describing a personal attack on someone you have never met and know nothing about!!! :eek: Anyone making a purchase decision on a single forum message about fuel consumption sounds like they should be in hospital, not buying a Range Rover. It's strong point was never economical fuel consumption - 17mpg or 22mpg, so what? Everyone was just comparing notes, not necessary to slag off people whose Rangies achieve a fuel consumption outside of your own knowledge base..............:doh: 'twas a friendly discussion comparing notes till the attacks were launched.....
who cares really what miles you get, i know i get more miles per £1 than anyone who runs on petrol alone. but that wasnt the reason i bought the car, i wanted a rangie, i could have done better but i got this one, and with a bit of perseverence i am managing to get a reliable car!!
Erm, not to alarm anyone. I get about 10-12 mpg atm, on the lpg. I think I may have to have it set up again.
Getting 16odd of fpf though. Most driving is a cross between town/village and 50 zones.
Havent clocked the motorway usage in a while. Used to around 17 on gas though. 60-70mph no racing

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