
New Member
Well, heres the back ground

Im 21 yrs old (insurance is £70 a month cheaper)
I work for a company called 'Premier Sport'
I use my car for work and prob drive between 800-1100 miles a month
I sometimes have to carry 30 basketbals and 30 footballs to and from primary schools (alot more space and easier to get the equipment in)

I used to drive a ford probe, 2.5 ltr 24v V6 model
Which i used to fill up around 4-6 times a month. £50-55 a time
Averaging 20-25 MPG tops

I now drive a '98 Freelander TDI & would like to know what sort of MPG i should be looking at getting? (i use a mixture of motorway and town driving)

Your opionions and experiences please with reference to MPG!

Thanks Kris
bout 31mpg in town 34-38mpg motoway have hit 40mpg with cruise on at 65mph, but thats boring. . . .my mpg improved after i fitted a go faster gismo un fiddled wiff fings, but i'm er rocket scientist un know wot i'm doing,un porky fixes ma motor. . .:D
What are these 'Go faster' gizmo's?

Would be interested in these ast they may save a few £'s in the long run.


so im looking at around 30-25mpg instead of 20-25mpg, plus alot more space etc. Might save me 2 tank of fuel per month! shud b around £90-100.

What are these 'Go faster' gizmo's?

Would be interested in these ast they may save a few £'s in the long run.

check out rover rons web site krisp , its the dogs do da's he comes on here ta give elp sometimes, look in search sure youll find it. . . .
Sorry Ming - Can't find thid Gismo!

Can you help in any way?

Cheers Kris
sorry ma fault tired jist flew back from zog. . .go on flea bay un type in mafam un that will get you a link to his web site have a good read as its a deep subject. . . .oh un best of luck earthling. . . .:)
just did that, din t get netin!

Came up wid 'madam'and some weird stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Is it or .com?
Sorry, had several guiness's by now! need to check my post's

So what do people get generally (mpg) then or does everyone agree wid Mr Ming the all mighty?

I dis beta?

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