
Active Member
Hi folks i have been reading a lot of posts about mpg and most have said fill yer tank and see how mutch mpg you get but if you fill your tank your motor is pulling more weight so it will use more fuel so if your going on a long journey only fill to half tank and carry some extra fuel in a container incase you dont find a garage when your running low
Hi folks i have been reading a lot of posts about mpg and most have said fill yer tank and see how mutch mpg you get but if you fill your tank your motor is pulling more weight so it will use more fuel so if your going on a long journey only fill to half tank and carry some extra fuel in a container incase you dont find a garage when your running low

:doh: doesnt matter where the fuel is if your carrying it its going to weigh the same
Hi folks i have been reading a lot of posts about mpg and most have said fill yer tank and see how mutch mpg you get but if you fill your tank your motor is pulling more weight so it will use more fuel so if your going on a long journey only fill to half tank and carry some extra fuel in a container incase you dont find a garage when your running low

This has got to be a contender for dumbest post of the day:hysterically_laughi
aint a full tank part of the mpg figure anyway?
could always call the aa for that spare can o fuel.

or get then to give you a piggy back on the test route.
that'll help the mpg
I think what he was trying to say was only carry the 5 litres in the car, half fill so say 50 litres in the tank, then its better as the total weight is less. but you have to stop more which is annoying, i hate going to petrol station (i think it's cus it normally costs me £100 per visit... its not even as if the staff are nice or anything :()

And the total difference made to the MPG? prob next to nothing.
I think what he was trying to say was only carry the 5 litres in the car, half fill so say 50 litres in the tank, then its better as the total weight is less. but you have to stop more which is annoying, i hate going to petrol station (i think it's cus it normally costs me £100 per visit... its not even as if the staff are nice or anything :()

And the total difference made to the MPG? prob next to nothing.

but if you half fill it then you could just top up when the level is low, there is no reason to carry extra in the car. Not to mention the extra costs from stopping and starting on a long run.

just a stupid post if you ask me (and probably most others on the forum ;) )
It really amazes me how people go on about mpg, it a LR these machine don’t do good fuel economy,

Get a Mirca for that !!!!

By the book my v8 should get 12mpg around the town, I very much doubt that
But but but yeah but no but yeah but what you dunt know yeah but it makes perfect sense if yu is a fick kunt,,:D :D
My gran used to watch the horse racing a lot. She always fancied the horse that had a dump before the start of the race. Said it made the horse lighter = faster. Perhaps try that before you start the journey.
My gran used to watch the horse racing a lot. She always fancied the horse that had a dump before the start of the race. Said it made the horse lighter = faster. Perhaps try that before you start the journey.


:scratching_chin: worth a try might save a few quid :crazy:
I know what hes getting at. But these motors are so aerodynamically poor, that leaving 45 lts of fuel out will make no difference at all.

Make more difference if you keep your window closed !.

To put it another way.

I loose 3 to 4 mpg when towing 3 and 1/4 tonnes with my TD5. ( you do the maths ! ).

Whats wrong with carrying a gallon of fuel with you and a spare filter. I do. I thought that was just common sense.If you want to save a bit on fuel remove the viscous fan. I just pulled the caravan down to Wales and back without it and the engine hardly got warm.;)
laugh all you want but any motor petrol or diesel will use more fuel when driving up hill or towing with a full tank its common sence,

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