
New Member
Guys, just swapped all my tyres from knackered road tyres to some AT. The AT are slightly larger 245/75 compared to 225/70 on 16's. If anything I expected a slightly better fuel economy, but I seem to have dropped 1-2 mpg. Is this right? They are very similar to General Grabber AT tyres..

Cheers, Simon.
why would you expect better fuel economy, larger tyres mean more torque needed to get up to speed/keep speed, that coupled with the slightly higher rolling resistance of an AT over a road tyre gives slightly less mpg.
In my mind the increased radius should increase the gearing and improve the fuel efficiency BUT the wider tyre will increase resistance and override any improvements, leading to a overall drop.


In my mind the increased radius should increase the gearing and improve the fuel efficiency BUT the wider tyre will increase resistance and override any improvements, leading to a overall drop.



Thank you, yes I had thought the same regarding increased radius.

Can't win 'em all I guess
increased radius would increase the gearing, with negative effect round town of requiring more power to get moving, so would be pretty neutral anyway (not sat and worked out figures though)

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