
Well-Known Member
My bullbars dont have any mounting points, any novel ways to do this? Dont have a welder so cant make up any mounts. Need to get from here,


To here,


Any ideas?
How thick is the tube of the bull bar?

Would it take a riv-nut?

You could easily get some 2.5mm flat bar stock and bend it around the tube and drill the flat bar and the bull bar then open out the bull bar holes to accommodate the riv-nuts and then bolt the flat bar to the bull bar in two places.

I would still be looking at 8mm U bolts and 3mm flat bar for rigidity.
How rigid are they? My spots are quite heavy things and need to be held rigid or they will bounce all over the place.
Try Britpart DA5624. It’s fitted to a standard grille in the picture but might be able to go with your grille? The spotlights won’t be mounted on the bull bar though.

Nice Landy BTW.:cool:
I decided to get some plate cut, 3mm , I will drill it and get it welded to the bull bar and mount to that, just need a welding plant now!
When these were all the rage we would cut a jubillee clip in half, flatten it out, pop rivet one end to the top of the spot lamp and the other to the slam panel or bars. You can then screw the jubillee in and out to set the beam and they stay set.
use exhaust clamps and thin angle (dexion type) cheap. use the angle facing down and cut to profile of tube that will give a flat surface to mount spot lights to. Or remove the mounting bolt from the spots and use one of the exhaust clamp nuts instead that.s how i mounted roof lights to my first roll cage
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use exhaust clamps and thin angle (dexion type) cheap. use the angle facing down and cut to profile of tube that will give a flat surface to mount spot lights to. Or remove the mounting bolt from the spots and use one of the exhaust clamp nuts instead that.s how i mounted roof lights to my first roll cage

That's how I've got my spots on the roof rack, exhaust clamp with one nut holding the bracket.

Painted it black so it didn't look too much of a bodge :)

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