
Large Member!
This is probably a good question for 4x4 cb.
Where is the best place to mount a c.b. aerial on a discovery?
I'm looking to buy an aerial and mount for my disco and wondered if there any good or bad places to mount it/what mounts to use etc.
Hy Wingy,
What about the guy at he has to be able to help out with a few ideas ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As regards a place for mounting a C.B. arial.
By far the best place (from the point of view of transmitting as far as possible) would be as high as poss, and slightly towards the rear of center of the roof.
Although I appreciate that this might not be the best, or most practical as far as off-roading is concerned, it will throw an even and strong signal from this possition.
It will also be easy to S.W.R. in this position, having the largest and most un-interupted ground plane on the entire vehicle.
my 2 cents worth f.w.i.w.
I've just ordered a new aerial and mount from!
I opted for a 5ft springer and a dome mount, think i'm going to mount through the rear above the back door. Seems like the best place for getting wire in and running it to the front.
i have mine on the spare tyre carrier between the tyre and the door. It's a 6 ft whip. No problems and i think it looks the best.


Hi Guys, Interseting to read that most of you mount them either on the roof or at the back of the vehicle, Over here we just wack them on top of the bull bar, I use a 4 foot laser type. Most people here have left the 27 meg c.b.'s behind in favour of U.H.F. sets, more "line of sight" than 27 meg but with our type of terrain about 3 times the range and crystal clear. Catch ya...... Skuzy
Hy skuzy,
Thanks for the insight on how things are in Auz. Up here, you might say in the real Top End, we would enjoy messing about with U.H.F. but choice is severly limited to some small hand held U.H.F.sets with very poor range. The fact is that anything other than these, or 27 meg F.M. is unlawful and un-available unless you are prepared to go to great lengths to become a radio ham, and mess about on 2 meters.
That's a real P.I.T.A. I can tell you.
A.T.B. Bud,
Cruisermik. :cool: :cool:
Hey Cruisermik, hahahahaha the real top end...... I never thought of it that way but I guess your right. I am not sure of the type of country you have but if it is hilly that will really cut the range of UHF, BUT get it out on the wide open spaces and it comes into it's own. My wife and I will be in England in September so I will get a look at the countryside first hand, catch you around.
Hey there skuzy,
I'm from the North West of this overcrowded little piece of rock, and yes, we have the Pennines, West Pennine Moores, Yorkshire Dales and the English Lake District more or less on our doorstep. Whilst none of these could be classed as Mountains, they are all substantial hills, and must be considered when thinking of radio reception.
I prefer the 27 meg, coupled with the smallest ariel I can find. This gives me a range of between 3 and 5 miles depending on the terrain. and avoids pulling in all the crap and bleed over from the regular Muppets on this frequency.
Please remember, this is England, and lack of radio reception, unlike in your neck of the woods, seldom proves fatal.
Hope you and your better half enjoy your trip over here and if you find yourselves in the vicinity with an hour or two to kill, give me a call and we can blow the froth off a couple. ;) ;)
Take care mate.
Cruisermik. :cool:
In The North West!!!!!!!!!! ???????????
Blowing The Throth Off!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

Don't Leave Me Out:D
Hy Wingy,
Your welcome mate but what's 'Throth' ? :confused: You must be getting too excited at the thought of beer !!! Then again, maybe you had one or two already ??
Cruisermik. :cool: :cool:
Hey guys, I would love to have a beer or 10 with you but can I get an icy cold one ??? I hit London on the 18th Sept stay only 2 days then slip across the channel, back in London for another 2 days about the 8/9 October so maybe time will beat us, but who knows ???? Catchya later... skuzy
Hey mate,
London is NOT England,contrary to what any cockney may tell you. :rolleyes: Get yourself up North and meet some true Englishmen / experience some true English hospitality. Not to mention some real beer. :D :D
Take care,
Cruisermik. :cool:
I went for the large springer and dome mount. Put mine on the o/s of the front bumper, ground back to battery, cb on the Center console, swr of 1.2 from the word go

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