My way would look, and be, propa.
The other would just be covering up a boo-boo with bits of plastic. and you'd still have to saw them down to the tops of the nuts, or thereabouts.
What @Jayridium is proposing is actual black stainless steel nuts, not the plastic covers.
Since I read that I went back and had a propa look. Obvs you are right, I just jumped to the wrong conclusion. So yep, better than the plassy caps, but you'll still need to make sure the threaded bits aren't too long.

It has now become a question of taste as both would work.

I'm out!!;):)
I'd agree with Stanley and use downwards facing coachbolts with nylocs underneath them, but if you have reasons for going bolts up, the dome nuts take away some of the ugliness of the bolts up arrangement.

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