The Gribbin

Active Member
I am considering a trip to Montenegro, and am looking at the option of sticking the Landy on a train from Dussedorf to Vienna. The idea of avoiding hours of boring motorway - not the ideal territory for a defender - and making progress while asleep appeals... as a better use of my limited holiday allowance.

Has anyone done this... or other routes accross europe... how much did you pay... was it worth it? any tips pointers appreciated.
I think you have a problem with the Defender on a german or austrian train. They only accept cars with less than 2.05 meters.
The next problem is:
Depending when you want to leave, at the moment there is no train between Austria and Germany because of the refugee problem.
According to the austrian Train service until 4th of october no way.

I hope that did help a bit.
Hmmm.... thanks for getting back to me on that....

I was thinking of going August 2016, so hopefully the refugee situation might have calmed down by then... but still have to get under the height restriction!... or I guess I'll have to get used to motorway driving:(
Not too bad on the german Autobahn as long as you decide to drive as fast as the trucks. Overtaking is sometimes an adventure with Beamers and Audis with more than 200 km/h on the fast lane.
I looked at motorrail last year for a bike trip. Wanted to get train t eastern europeand ride back. I think services are now limited and not very cheapeither
I know of a Danish chap that has in the past moved 4x4s by train from Spain to Germany, but I don't think you can ride on the train as a passenger though.
I asked for a cargo transport of a car ages ago only through Austria. I can`t remember the numbers but the solution was to rent another car, pick up a friend and tow the car home.

Perhaps you should ask at cargo companies if they ship your car to venice and fly.

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