About the same as you really although as a rule ill wash it and give it a quick hoover in the hopes they will be dazzled by its beauty :D
I usually go through a list I have and check off bits that its ok on. Anything needed sorted ill fix. Though they always find something so there's not much point really
Over the years I've found that no matter how long you spend on a vehicle before the MOT, chances are it will fail on something you did'nt even know it had!!

Let the garage find the problem, fix it, take it back.:D

(Naturally I assume it's reasonably well maintained and the flipping doors aren't hangin of like some Freelander what's just been through a small puddle);)
Over the years I've found that no matter how long you spend on a vehicle before the MOT, chances are it will fail on something you did'nt even know it had!!

Let the garage find the problem, fix it, take it back.:D

(Naturally I assume it's reasonably well maintained and the flipping doors aren't hangin of like some Freelander what's just been through a small puddle);)

of course it's in tip top shape I have to do round 80 miles a day!!

....and no way I'd pay them to do the work when I can sort it myself for free! :amen:
nothing much really, as I seem to do something on it every weekend anyway :scratching_chin: so usually just fix it as I go along.....
Johnny when I had the defender lights a quick hands off the steering whilst braking , checking for any pulling to one side and a jack up and wiggle of each wheel for play , I would Adjust any play needed and in she goes , but the p38 no adjusting wheel bearings :(
boot it around a bit and get it nice and hot for the emissions test, and readjust the handbrake as that only ever works for a couple of weeks at a time so it only gets done once a year for mot. thats it.
boot it around a bit and get it nice and hot for the emissions test, and readjust the handbrake as that only ever works for a couple of weeks at a time so it only gets done once a year for mot. thats it.

:D haha sounds about right...
not done me fender yet, but generally, check the lights and make sure its relativly clean, make sure all the seats have kids seats in them (they can't check the seatbelts then :) )

Other than that, I've given up guessing. took my sedona in, thinking it would fail on an exhaust bracket being held on with wire, and no, straight through, the wire was apparently a secure fixing???
Similar to what Jay does..Book MOT for 2pm. In the morning I take it to a local indy,He removes hand brake drum cleans oil off the shoes.Now handbrake/transmission brake works.Charge £20,Drive to MOT place £35. about 2 weeks later hand brake stops working.Been like this for years,Had oil seals and flanges fitted in the past but its always the same few weeks later.One other thing a month before the test I spray underseal underneath every where over pipes etc..Must be a foot of underseal under there now lol.And just up the road from the MOT centre I lay underneath with brake cleaner/rag and wipe oil from power steering pump leak,also from the ace alloy block underneath by drivers door.
(they can't check the seatbelts then :) )

Surely you want the seatbelts to be safe though?:D
I check every thing I expect will be checked in the test. Bugger got me last time because he could not read the chassis number stamped on the chassis, as it was covered in grease to protect the chassis.
Left a note to the tester saying not to lock the P38 because it had a bad battery drain and the immobilser kept coming on

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