had a pre mot inspection on my 89 90 2.5TD today, the actual test is next friday

It failed on:
:mad:Leak from steering box, there was no fluid in the PAS reservoir
:mad:Leak from driver side rear axle, he reckoned it was brake fluid, i reckon its the inner seal gone.
:mad:Stuck/binding passenger side rear brake.
:mad:My exhaust is held onto the rear cross member with blue rope!!!

I have tried to find a new support bracket, the one that bolts to the rear x member, but cannot find them anywhere. Does anyone know the part number as this would help trying to get one. I need it quick too, if it'll pass the MOT next friday.

Cheers Ta
Make one... cut or find a strip of mild sheet steel only needs to be a few mil thick about 1" wide about 12" long, mark it half way along fold it around the exhaust pipe drill a hole in it at the top and bolt it to the chassis where the old hanger was, drill and fit another bolt above the pipe an the jobs a good en...rustic engineering...
Do they go in for pre MOT inspections down your way then? How much do they cost?

Mine's fastened on with a bit of webbing strap type stuff and exhaust "U" clamps.

Did you know Charles Bronson's alive and well, and last I heard is residing at Her Majesties pleasure in Hull Prison. No, it's true he is!
What is the cost difference between a pre-inspection and the actual MOT then, do they just charge you for an hours labour?

I must admit I just take mine in 4-weeks before it is due and if it passes (only failed once in the past 20-years so I must be doing something right) they post-date the certificate to start on the date the old one expires (you can only carry across 1-month). Re-tests have always been free at the garages I use but I believe I am correct in saying that with the new set-up they have to be charged for, anyone like to confirm?
AFAIK the free retest has to be within 24hrs of the test. Summat to do wiv the computer system they all use.

I only got it pre-tested as I am going back to sea next week, before the test is due. I haven't had the landy long and wanted to make sure it'd pass as I would be away, and the girlfreind would be sorting the MOT out. I have been horrendously busy modifying my garage so the 90 fits in.

The guy charged me £40 for it, and it took a bit less than an hour.
£40, that is the same as a proper MOT (had mine done a few weeks ago).

Shame about the free retest having to be done so soon, I had already heard about that and it could be a bit of a bind. In the past garages would do it free as long as you took it back within a week or so but 24hrs isn't a lot of time to get hold of parts, fit them and get it retested!
The free retest is at their discretion too, which sucks.

Before i had the landy i had a hilux pickup. I knew it might not pass last year, so I put it in for the MOT on friday afternoon. the garage didn't work weekends, so It gave me the weekend to get the work done, for the free test non monday, which it failed!!!

I couldn't afford to fix it, so i parked behind on of our barns and left it...eventually I sold the engine and transmission, and cut up the rest with a gas axe and grinder.

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