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oh blimey what have i started, lol

most appreciated and ref to the mot tester i wouldnt have thought either he would pass it if basically it was going to come back and bite him in the butt or put my life at risk

however, i wont be ignoring it as it isnt just my life in the car but owe the respect of other road users etc and would be extremely irrasponsable for me to ignore it to which i have no intention of doing so,

i understand i could just replace the coils but seeing the whole thing will need removing think its going to be a far better option to replace both springs and struts, also didnt realise there are different types according to model etc, will have to clean one up so can make sure ive got the right replacement

may i ask and hope this isnt a daft question is there any advantage in having harder springs etc or just a question of road comfort etc, does harder springs give u better off road performance by pushing down harder on the wheels, sorry asking such a blonde question

am i able to tell if the top bushes are ok prior to there removal , should the bearings have no play in them etc, thinking also about buying new bolts for the bottom of the struts,

no my son who is 22 years old and hasnt got any motoring experiance he said he would have a go at doing them and i would of course supervise him was wondering he jacks the motor up, put car stands onto the body jacking points then remove the wheels to allow the axle to drop, but put a trolley jack underneath one side of the axle to hold the weight, undo the bottom bolts and top then slowly lower the jack would they come out, not sure if the brake lines etc or could it damage anything please

got some quotes and for oem parts for a pair of struts and springs inc vat and p and p is coming out at £260.00 which considering is far better than the £500 ive been quoted

whilst i wish to save money wouldnt want to risk injury to my son under any cost as nothing is worth that, but he is a sensable lad and if we took our time and even if it took days to do,

ive worked on series land rovers for years in the past replaced springs, gearboxes etc

just didnt know how hard it is when we drop the axle that the struts will come away from the axle etc,

the axle stands are 3 ton and got a 3 ton trolley jack as well

thks so much again for ur help with this, plus went out down the motorway , didnt go any faster than 60 mph and didnt even notice, however it wandered a little bit to the left but that could be physicological

cheers guys

oh blimey what have i started, lol

most appreciated and ref to the mot tester i wouldnt have thought either he would pass it if basically it was going to come back and bite him in the butt or put my life at risk

however, i wont be ignoring it as it isnt just my life in the car but owe the respect of other road users etc and would be extremely irrasponsable for me to ignore it to which i have no intention of doing so,

i understand i could just replace the coils but seeing the whole thing will need removing think its going to be a far better option to replace both springs and struts, also didnt realise there are different types according to model etc, will have to clean one up so can make sure ive got the right replacement

may i ask and hope this isnt a daft question is there any advantage in having harder springs etc or just a question of road comfort etc, does harder springs give u better off road performance by pushing down harder on the wheels, sorry asking such a blonde question

am i able to tell if the top bushes are ok prior to there removal , should the bearings have no play in them etc, thinking also about buying new bolts for the bottom of the struts,

no my son who is 22 years old and hasnt got any motoring experiance he said he would have a go at doing them and i would of course supervise him was wondering he jacks the motor up, put car stands onto the body jacking points then remove the wheels to allow the axle to drop, but put a trolley jack underneath one side of the axle to hold the weight, undo the bottom bolts and top then slowly lower the jack would they come out, not sure if the brake lines etc or could it damage anything please

got some quotes and for oem parts for a pair of struts and springs inc vat and p and p is coming out at £260.00 which considering is far better than the £500 ive been quoted

whilst i wish to save money wouldnt want to risk injury to my son under any cost as nothing is worth that, but he is a sensable lad and if we took our time and even if it took days to do,

ive worked on series land rovers for years in the past replaced springs, gearboxes etc

just didnt know how hard it is when we drop the axle that the struts will come away from the axle etc,

the axle stands are 3 ton and got a 3 ton trolley jack as well

thks so much again for ur help with this, plus went out down the motorway , didnt go any faster than 60 mph and didnt even notice, however it wandered a little bit to the left but that could be physicological

cheers guys


Here's how I see it, without getting into mot arguments! Coil springs break regularly, its common to find them when servicing etc and the owner has no idea, most of the time its just the end 3 or 4 inches that snap off and it has very little effect on its operation! But depending on the design of spring and whereabouts the break is it can pop off its seat and go thru the tyre, obviously not good! So if he's passed it I'd imagine it falls into the former category.

You should be able to get springs from somewhere like euro car parts easily enough, they go off your reg and vin no. its best to do them in pairs as they weaken over time. Different models get different springs cos they're different weights heights etc, if you're thinking of upgrading to different springs ie stiffer you really need to do all four, stiffer makes em handle better on road but reduces comfort, off road it reduces articulation. Rear struts don't have bearings cos they don't steer, the top mounts may be worn but its more mileage related, mines done 60 k and they're fine.

From memory there's two big bolts thru the bottom, brake pipe and abs wire are attached to the strut, and three bolts at the top inside the car under the plastic boot trim. The strut will then come out, you need to compress the spring before you undo the top nut otherwise it'll take your head off! Your jacks and stands will be fine. Shocks, you need to decide weather they're soft or have un damped movement! They do deteriorate with age so high mileage ones tend to be weak. Again replace as pairs ideally.

Hope that helps:D
thks buddy for that, most appreciated and the explanation .

intend to indeed also keep it on the tarmac only and only use it if really necessary ,

mines done 177,000 miles so i expect there worn. i dont know when they were last changed, it did come with a full land rover service history though and belonged to company and seems to have been well maintained

have also got new tyres on mine so dont want to risk anything there, it wont need retracking etc will it, sorry to ask a daft question

i cannot begin to thank you guys for all the great advice and will defentely remember about the large nut and the coil compressore will see if i can hire a set etc

just very grateful in getting good advice from other freelander owners

They're probably the originals and no it won't need retracking

thks for that, they have certainly done extremely well and think later on will do the fronts as well to just be on the side of caution

but that will be much later on

sorry if i confused you but if you are doing the back ones i am sure they do not have a bearing at the top because they stay in one place it is only the front i think have the bearings as they turn with the steering also check your bump stops .
sorry if i confused you but if you are doing the back ones i am sure they do not have a bearing at the top because they stay in one place it is only the front i think have the bearings as they turn with the steering also check your bump stops .

thks buddy, confuse me nah never, its easy to do that, lolol , just saw top mounts and assumed it was some form of bearing on the top of the strut etc,

appreciate about the bump stops too, mine is the 2002 with a vin of 2A , will be starting to get the rear struts and springs in may and then try and get my son round to fit them, should be entertaining, lol

thks again


been amazed with the range of prices, land rover now want over £500 and found another company that said they are not genuine land rover but are oem

bit confused in a way seeing its going to cost around £260 for the whole lot and advised me they are not britpart,

would uniparts been the original makers please, are basically oem parts exactly the same item but just not in a land rover box

sorry asking such a daft question

appreciate it as always


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