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Hey guys,
Got my dreaded MOT in a couple of weeks, I normally put it in for a test a month or 2 before and see what needs doing so I have more time to get it done.

What do you lot do in preparation? I have a mate who take his for a mudbath a couple of days before hand to cover up any stupid things....

any one else do anything similiar?


I've always said... a cleaner car is nicer to work on, which puts you in a nicer mood!

Mine ALWAYS passes anyway ;)
Always have your car clean inside and out, more pleasant for the mot man and conveys an image of a caring responsible owner.
well i would suggest checking that everything works and theres no rust holes that could fail the MOT??? Or is that thinking outside the box too much?
check the easy things, lights, washers, wipers, tyres, seatbelts, then hope for the best

and if a car came into our place after having a mud bath, it would get a 'refusal to test'
Yeah they can refuse to test the car if its too dirty - unsure if they can still charge you for it though (if the test is abandoned part way, then can...) So it makes sense to completely clean it, including a jet wash underneath. Also it makes it much easier to check the undersides. No point trying to cover things up, by all means pat yourself on the back for "getting one over" the MoT tester but then your car is unsafe....???

Just search the internet and read the manual, and check the obvious items such as all the lights work, tyres (including inner wall), corrosion.
why antagonise the tester?
if your car gets thro and is unsafe who's gonna suffer, the tester or you?

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