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What a flippin day! Took the fender in for it's mot retest.. was told the bearing I just tightened up instead of replacing was a rough bag'o'****e and failed :(

The guy said If I could get it done in a couple hours then he'd put it back through..and gave me his box of race drifts to use. Got home and I couldn't get one of the calliper bolts out *at all* :eek:

Phoned him up to say there was no-way I could make it in time and does he fancy doing it? He knows I like to tinker myself, so he said bring it down and he'd loosen it off for me. Ended up just doing the whole thing with his air tools and in a nice warm garage. :bounce:

What an awesome local garage I've got!

Then, since I was filthy, I got ambitious and thought I'd replace the gearbox mount bushes... but that's another thread
What a flippin day! Took the fender in for it's mot retest.. was told the bearing I just tightened up instead of replacing was a rough bag'o'****e and failed :(

The guy said If I could get it done in a couple hours then he'd put it back through..and gave me his box of race drifts to use. Got home and I couldn't get one of the calliper bolts out *at all* :eek:

Phoned him up to say there was no-way I could make it in time and does he fancy doing it? He knows I like to tinker myself, so he said bring it down and he'd loosen it off for me. Ended up just doing the whole thing with his air tools and in a nice warm garage. :bounce:

What an awesome local garage I've got!

Then, since I was filthy, I got ambitious and thought I'd replace the gearbox mount bushes... but that's another thread

Which bit of the Borders Trax? Always on the look out for good people. We use one up in Edinburgh at the mo.
need to find service like that in birmingham. Love a garage that understand we're people, not jus pay days

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