Hope your ball joints were not the fixed end otherwise you need new bars like me they are cheap tho gl the reason the wheel beseings are tight sometimes is due to the corrosion and rust bonding them in .

The TREs that fail are always the fixed end. That's the way the mop flops. :D:D
I will check (for play), but I've been having a rumble for months that has now turned in to a whine. I posted this ages ago, have a listen


I thought it was the tyres but I've changed those...


Well the rumble has gone! So I've been driving around on a dodgy wheel bearing for a year it seems - assuming the work on the trackrod and draglink ends couldn't have cured a rumble.

Anyway, all sorted. A much better drive. But... £627 lighter - ouch! Especially when it was £400 last week. I could have saved nearly half that if I'd been able to do the work myself at home instead of it being stuck at a garage. Fingers crossed that's it for a year :)


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