Still waiting on the parts bank holiday means no post :(

This it true but spare a thought for the thousands on zero hour contracts that don't get bank holidays and have to work for normal pay. Or if given the day off don't get holiday pay thanks to the present government. :mad::mad:
This it true but spare a thought for the thousands on zero hour contracts that don't get bank holidays and have to work for normal pay. Or if given the day off don't get holiday pay thanks to the present government. :mad::mad:

Don't I know even contracted people don't get bank holidays I should be in work but took a holiday today. I've had years with just Christmas day off and worked the rest of the time. Just meant it as a reason for the delay in getting brakes done.
Don't I know even contracted people don't get bank holidays I should be in work but took a holiday today. I've had years with just Christmas day off and worked the rest of the time. Just meant it as a reason for the delay in getting brakes done.

Everybody used to get them automatically as part of the their holiday entitlement, since 2014 it has to be written into the contract of employment. Everybody has a contract of employment even zero hour people. Yep i know what you meant but my missus had to go to work today, just a normal day to her. Like you if she had wanted it off with pay, she would have had to use an holiday. A bit miffed with zero hour contracts take no notice just having a moan. ;);)
Everybody used to get them automatically as part of the their holiday entitlement, since 2014 it has to be written into the contract of employment. Everybody has a contract of employment even zero hour people. Yep i know what you meant but my missus had to go to work today, just a normal day to her. Like you if she had wanted it off with pay, she would have had to use an holiday. A bit miffed with zero hour contracts take no notice just having a moan. ;);)
You keep her working Tony, and think of the peaceful day you have had.;):D:D

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