In article <>, Paul - xxx wrote:
> I had a KH 250 that only ran on two pots in the rain .. but then _all_
> Kawasaki triples did that .. ;)

Usually cos they'd holed the middle pot, at least my brothers did. They
did sound nice on full chat though.

simon at sbarr dot demon dot co dot uk
Simon Barr.
'97 110 300Tdi.
Simon Barr typed:
> In article <>, Paul - xxx wrote:
>> I had a KH 250 that only ran on two pots in the rain .. but then _all_
>> Kawasaki triples did that .. ;)

> Usually cos they'd holed the middle pot, at least my brothers did. They
> did sound nice on full chat though.

The metal plug caps were also pretty damn ****e ... I prefer the sound of
the 500's though .. ;)

Paul ...

(8(|) ... Homer Rocks


"Paul - xxx" <> wrote in message
> I had a KH 250 that only ran on two pots in the rain .. but then _all_
> Kawasaki triples did that .. ;)

Ha! My KH250 ran on all 3. I had a problem that occasionally it would miss
on the centre pot and oil the plug, eventually traced to a partially broken
points to coil lead for that pot! Replaced the wire and all was well. Cure
for the triples in the wet was good quality sealed ngk suppressor caps and a
spray can of silicon grease!
Dam it, I miss the banshee wail of that thing at 9000rpm!!! Almost as nice a
sound as a V8.

Badger typed:

> Cure for the triples in the wet was good quality sealed ngk
> suppressor caps and a spray can of silicon grease!

Heheheh, yeah, the mucky brown coloured ones with a rubber seal on them ..
worked a treat, but still needed water repellant stuff .. ;)

Paul ...

(8(|) ... Homer Rocks

isnt the AFM bypassed when on gas? I'm sure ours is.
omvl on a 3.9 Discovery

"Austin Shackles" <> wrote in message
> On or around Wed, 30 Jun 2004 08:17:28 +0100, "Jack"
> <> enlightened us thusly:
> >
> >
> >
> >"Austin Shackles" wrote in message .
> >>
> >> the LPG thing is out of tune. what LPG system is it?
> >>
> >>

> >
> >Hi Austin
> >
> >Its an EMMEGAS system that mixes in the air intake.
> >
> >I have been doing some google research and it is possible I think that

> >air flow meter is damaged after a back fire six months ago. I think I am
> >right in saying this could be the source of the problem as the tests were
> >pants on petrol too.

> which petrol system is it? some AFMs are more prone to damage than

> check all over the place for pipes blown off.
> --
> Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
> "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
> something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination -
> we learned to talk." Pink Floyd (1994)

A routemaster bus perchance ? or a scammel explorer. I suppose either of
those would be a bit difficult to get on your average MOT stations ramp.

I am not too worried about my pride and joy getting through MOT. I expect I
will eventually have to replace the middle pipe on the exhaust as it is held
together with a piece of tin can, but I have been assured I need not worry
about the emmissions too much if I get it done where I bought it from.

As for the holes, I will have to get working with the filler, like the
previos owner just to make sure :) at the moment I am using tin cans again
prior to sticking some more substantial aluminium bits inside the footwells
to hold all together.

Series 3 rust and holes

"Alex" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 02:47:09 +0100, "Larry" <>
> wrote:
> >Some classic vehicles are exempt from the MOT altogether but I have no

> >which. Tanks maybe ?

> Applies to heavy vehicles (over 3500kg) registered before 1960. Also
> applies to Fire Engines, Recovery vehicles and some other esoteric
> things, as described under Goods Vehicle Plating & Testing Regulations
> 1988, schedule 2, reg 4.
> It its MGW is less than 3500kg, then it comes under Motor Vehicle
> (Test) regulations 1981, which is not available online, so I can't
> check it.
> Alex

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 22:54:59 +0100, "Jack"
<> wrote:

>4.6 LPG Range Rover failed the emissions test today...... Its never just a
>blown bulb is it!!!
>Its a 1998 4.6HSE

This engine is far too new for me to be familiar with, is there any
chance it has EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) fitted? Your symptoms (
you don't mention lpg but some of your replies do) of increase CO
whilst decreasing HC are likely when the egr valve is feeding back too
much gas.

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 21:39:37 +0100, "Larry" <>

>A routemaster bus perchance ? or a scammel explorer. I suppose either of
>those would be a bit difficult to get on your average MOT stations ramp.

I'm not sure about a routemaster. It would probably depend on which
class you have it in. It it's registered as a PCV then you'll have to
go for a PCV MOT which is worse... If you have it listed as Private
Goods, then It would be exempt. Certainly Scammel Explorer and
Stalwart/Saracen are MOT exempt.

"Alex" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 21:39:37 +0100, "Larry" <>
> wrote:
> >A routemaster bus perchance ? or a scammel explorer. I suppose either of
> >those would be a bit difficult to get on your average MOT stations ramp.

> I'm not sure about a routemaster. It would probably depend on which
> class you have it in. It it's registered as a PCV then you'll have to
> go for a PCV MOT which is worse... If you have it listed as Private
> Goods, then It would be exempt. Certainly Scammel Explorer and
> Stalwart/Saracen are MOT exempt.

What are those big 8x8 things the army run around in, with the Rolls-Royce
Eagle engines? I want one, whatever they are.


"David French" <> wrote in message
> What are those big 8x8 things the army run around in, with the Rolls-Royce
> Eagle engines? I want one, whatever they are.

Oops, it's a Perkins Eagle - not nearly so much cachet :)

It's not the Foden 8x8 I'm thinking of, it looks bigger.

On or around Wed, 30 Jun 2004 17:50:51 GMT, "Richard"
<> enlightened us thusly:

>isnt the AFM bypassed when on gas? I'm sure ours is.
>omvl on a 3.9 Discovery

not likely, unless you've 2 inlet tracts and a way of switching between 'em.

the AFM is physically present even if it's not in use.

Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
"Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt"
(confound the men who have made our remarks before us.)
Aelius Donatus (4th Cent.) [St. Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes]
thats what i meant. not bypassed as in another inlet but bypassed as not

"Austin Shackles" <> wrote in message
> On or around Wed, 30 Jun 2004 17:50:51 GMT, "Richard"
> <> enlightened us thusly:
> >isnt the AFM bypassed when on gas? I'm sure ours is.
> >omvl on a 3.9 Discovery

> not likely, unless you've 2 inlet tracts and a way of switching between

> the AFM is physically present even if it's not in use.
> --
> Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
> "Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt"
> (confound the men who have made our remarks before us.)
> Aelius Donatus (4th Cent.) [St. Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes]

Problem solved

It was the left bank oxegen sensor (lamda) in the exhaust.

The LPG lamda sensor was incorrectly wired as well and had no 12v head to
the heater, so the ECU only made adjustments when under really heavy load.

Running sweet now and less than 1% CO on both gas and petrol.

Once again many thanks to Mark Adams...... Managed to catch him at Mech
Repairs in cheltenham and he solved the problem in about 5 mins. Why can't
they take a blueprint of that mans brain, and implant it in all the ****witt
YTS landrover mechanics at main dealers.

Thank you all for your advice.

Jack Spratt

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 23:03:36 +0100, "David French"
<> wrote:

>"David French" <> wrote in message
>> What are those big 8x8 things the army run around in, with the Rolls-Royce
>> Eagle engines? I want one, whatever they are.

>Oops, it's a Perkins Eagle - not nearly so much cachet :)
>It's not the Foden 8x8 I'm thinking of, it looks bigger.

They are Scammels. All LHD and I think 8 x 6.

spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997
Usenet FAQ at
"Colonel Tupperware" <> wrote in message
> >> What are those big 8x8 things the army run around in, with the

> >> Eagle engines? I want one, whatever they are.

> >
> >Oops, it's a Perkins Eagle - not nearly so much cachet :)
> >
> >It's not the Foden 8x8 I'm thinking of, it looks bigger.
> >

> They are Scammels. All LHD and I think 8 x 6.

Why do I feel the urge to get one?

One day I'll have a bad day and disappear up to Witham SV with a wodge of
cash, and come back with something I don't even have a license to drive...

In article <40e43145$0$4578$>, David French wrote:
> Why do I feel the urge to get one?
> One day I'll have a bad day and disappear up to Witham SV with a wodge of
> cash, and come back with something I don't even have a license to drive...

I know how you feel. At the end of last year I paid Witham a visit to
check out how much 110 I'd get for my money if I went Ex-MOD. They have
got sooooo much fun looking stuff there that it's dangerous to even look!!

Luckily at the time I was skint or I might have come back with a
Haglund,one of the big Bedfords or something equally as daft.

simon at sbarr dot demon dot co dot uk
Simon Barr.
'97 110 300Tdi.
"Simon Barr" <> wrote in message
> I know how you feel. At the end of last year I paid Witham a visit to
> check out how much 110 I'd get for my money if I went Ex-MOD. They have
> got sooooo much fun looking stuff there that it's dangerous to even look!!
> Luckily at the time I was skint or I might have come back with a
> Haglund,one of the big Bedfords or something equally as daft.

I think we should have an a.f.l group meet there.

On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 17:58:38 +0100, "David French"
<> wrote:

>"Simon Barr" <> wrote in message
>> I know how you feel. At the end of last year I paid Witham a visit to
>> check out how much 110 I'd get for my money if I went Ex-MOD. They have
>> got sooooo much fun looking stuff there that it's dangerous to even look!!
>> Luckily at the time I was skint or I might have come back with a
>> Haglund,one of the big Bedfords or something equally as daft.

>I think we should have an a.f.l group meet there.

Yeah, that's an idea. I shall leave my wallet/credit cards at home,
otherwise I will come back with something rediculous. I already have
to resist going for classified ads in the back of my monthly copy of


On or around 1 Jul 2004 16:16:07 GMT, Simon Barr <>
enlightened us thusly:

>I know how you feel. At the end of last year I paid Witham a visit to
>check out how much 110 I'd get for my money if I went Ex-MOD. They have
>got sooooo much fun looking stuff there that it's dangerous to even look!!

Big boys' toy emporium, that place...

Tank transporter sir? certainly sir, would you like it wrapped, or will you
wear it now?

Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
Too Busy: Your mind is like a motorway. Sometimes it can be jammed by
too much traffic. Avoid the jams by never using your mind on a
Bank Holiday weekend.
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.
On or around Thu, 01 Jul 2004 13:45:50 GMT, "Richard"
<> enlightened us thusly:

>thats what i meant. not bypassed as in another inlet but bypassed as not

it's still prone to damage from backfires, though, which was the point.
Flapper type ones in particular can be severely bent.

Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
Too Busy: Your mind is like a motorway. Sometimes it can be jammed by
too much traffic. Avoid the jams by never using your mind on a
Bank Holiday weekend.
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.

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