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Found this in LRO magazine.

"The familiar annual MOT test is in line for a big shake up following a recent EC directive. Along with the much discussed two yearly test, it is being suggested that a blanked off Exhaust Gas Recirculation system will be a fail point (currently this area is not tested) as will engine remapping.
Directive 2010/48/EU keeps the EU minimum test frequency of the first test after four years, followed by every two years, but adds a number of new elements to the British MOT test. The directive anticipated all test changes being in place by January 1st 2012, and a common European approach to test certificates to be in place by 2014.
In the midst of these proposals, one definate change is that from April 2012, the MOT will give more attention to the safety and security of fitted tow bars and towing electrics."

I have also heard that the cost of an MOT is to rise significantly as the testing stations are claiming that with the current charge it's not worth doing, as labour rates are much higher now. (Nothing to do with being every two year instead of annually I suppose).

Looks like we will all have to bend over further so that we can be shafted by the EU yet again. :eek::eek:
i've finally ordered a set of Grabber At's today which comply with the new noise regs, so should be ok till the EU moves the goal posts again. !!!!
What's the betting our EU 'Partners' will just choose the bits they like and impose them while good old Britain will do as it's told.
It doesn't matter what political/international club this country joins we get all the disadvantages/costs and none of the advantages/perks.
yeah but as that stupid cow that was on sky news reviewing the papers said last night, europe is not an issue with my constituants, we should be more intergrated. In other words shut up as you don't know what is good for you, we will see how Cameron wriggles when a constitution change comes and they do all they can to not give us a vote as it will be in our intrests and we are too stupid to see the bigger picture.
End of rant
Stupid, inbred eurosceotic
What's the betting our EU 'Partners' will just choose the bits they like and impose them while good old Britain will do as it's told.
It doesn't matter what political/international club this country joins we get all the disadvantages/costs and none of the advantages/perks.

The test is every 2 years in France and a lot of the stuff that will be new to the UK is already applied here.:eek: I have to say that France is pretty good at ignoring EU directives in other areas of life though:D and they know how to get the most in benefits out of the system:D:D:D
The test is every 2 years in France and a lot of the stuff that will be new to the UK is already applied here.:eek: I have to say that France is pretty good at ignoring EU directives in other areas of life though:D and they know how to get the most in benefits out of the system:D:D:D

The common market was a French benifit fund, don't see why European union is any different.
first post is just scare mungering none of the egr ones is true none of the tyre noise is true and yes the 2 yr testing is true and the cost of an mot at the moment is far below the average labour per hour already and alot of mot tests an take well over an hour ie max price atm is 54.80 and my labour rate is 60 per hour already and set changes are to put an mot test to nearly 2 hrs...if you was a business owner would u want this.....? i dont think you would tbh and just to let you know the average price per hour is at nearly 100 per hour atm
also if you have a tow bar and no electrics or the electrics dont work as of next year this is a fail to! when the new rules are in force and i can print them off i will do and post them up to stop people worring and also to show u wat u can and cant do
Well i know that they have pulled the Type R Honda off the market and had to put a different engine in because of regs, so mu son got one before it happened anyway, the tyre thing is true, I seen in on a .gov site
Well i know that they have pulled the Type R Honda off the market and had to put a different engine in because of regs, so mu son got one before it happened anyway, the tyre thing is true, I seen in on a .gov site

as of yet its no been added iam a tester and have had all these regulations and refresher courses for the new term
How many unsafe cars will be on the road if/when they bring this bi-annual test in,at the moment for example they test the brakes and on that day they are ok so pass,"now us on this forum" will check and service there own motors but joe public wont/dont and alot of cars only have there bonnets opened at the MOT check thats a hell of a long time and could lead to deaths.Also what about the lay off of staff at MOT stations,I guess the goverbent have studied all of these facts and been advised or are they going to sneak something else in to rip the motorist off even more i.e compulsory servicing annually.
Exterior noise levels are split into 3 categories and measured in decibel (dB) in comparison with the new European tyre exterior noise levels to be introduced until 2016.

1 black sound wave = 3dB less than the future tighter European limit.
2 black sound waves = already compliant with the future European limit.
3 black sound waves = compliant with the current European limit.
first post is just scare mungering none of the egr ones is true none of the tyre noise is true and yes the 2 yr testing is true and the cost of an mot at the moment is far below the average labour per hour already and alot of mot tests an take well over an hour ie max price atm is 54.80 and my labour rate is 60 per hour already and set changes are to put an mot test to nearly 2 hrs...if you was a business owner would u want this.....? i dont think you would tbh and just to let you know the average price per hour is at nearly 100 per hour atm
also if you have a tow bar and no electrics or the electrics dont work as of next year this is a fail to! when the new rules are in force and i can print them off i will do and post them up to stop people worring and also to show u wat u can and cant do

glad that egr bit isnt true, had mine blanked off last month :D
It hasn't changed to two yrs and I haven't heard or seen anything from ministry I'm a tester too

The only info that is true is cat convertors must be fitted if factory fitted them

Towbar sockets must be there if towbar is fitted and work correctly

There may be a few other bits but I cnt remember them

I do know they will be advisory up until april/may so us tester can get up to scratch with the new rules

As with the cost and labour rates if a garage carries out a mot it is seperate to their labour rate a mot is a mot vosa ministry test not garage service if u get me

Avg mot tester hourly rate is from 7-15£ per hour test cost for paper work approx £2 so if they charge £40 they still making money for easy work

Hope this clears up some issues

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